Pure of heart

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You are the daughter of Miles Quaritch and Grace Augustine everyone was shocked to know these two were married to each as they were in fights about pandora, and everything else.The whole base was shocked when you arrived on pandora making Quaritch panic when he spotted your trying to find the laboratory. When he dragged you there showing you off to grace she was happy meaning she knew you were coming to work here with her. Even showing your dad your avatar body which you were happy about quaritch knew it was a losing battle for him as you would fight him on this and end up winning so you were allowed to stay. The Omaticaya got to meet you and welcome you as grace daughter they were not that shocked she was a daughter as way she spoke with the children, in a mother tone you even become close with her former students.

Y/n " almost done here and here these avatar bodies are perfect" you are taking notes on the new avatar bodies that will be meeting their drivers today.

??? " right threw these doors we find our laboratory"

Y/n "hey tom"

Tom " hey y/n oh I will like you to meet my twin brother and norm they will be diving those new avatar bodies"

Y/n " oh hello there tom have been speaking highly of both of you"

Jake " hello there my brother had bene telling me alot about you since I arrived here"

Norm " oh yes I heard about you from grace book she amazing, I have heard you become very close to the Omaticaya clan as well that wonderful"

Y/n " yes I have and now you all Weill be getting close with the clan as well"

Max " hey y/n it good to see you are back here with us"

Y/n " yeah I promised I will be here to help and I will lead the team on Mission once we get out newcomer setteld"

Tom " come meet grace she will be showing up soon" the group soon followed tom as he lead them to the link beds that were waiting for them, they soon see one of the link come out.

Grace " guys what wrong with this picture where is my cigarette" grace soon got up from her com link bed and was looking for her cigarette one, of the scientists was about to give her one when you stopped her.

Y/n " no you promised to take breaks of smoking remember so now"

Grace " you better be happy I love you ... so where are the newbies"

Y/n " this is norm spellman and scientists like us and Jake Sully tom twin brotehr and marine"

Grace " so the colonel got one of his people in here"

Y/n " well you did make him and the solder a deal after they got us more funding"

Grace " out of everything he remembers he has to remember that deal and nothing else"

???? " oh what have me and my man have done now" soon quairtch walked into the room with lyle and z walking behind him making their present now to the scientists that all got quite.

Y/n " oh grey you are all here your avatar bodes are almost ready they might need another month or so but you can transfer into them soon"

Lyle " sweet so how dose new boy get his done before our we bene here longer"

Tom " because we are twins the DNA is not that hard"

Z " well it seems like we owe our dear y/n a great thanks without he we will not have these avatar bodies"

Y/n " if it helps ends the feud between the two factions then I'm willing to help"

Jake " wow your amazing .. I mean what you are doing here is amazing"

Y/n " thank you"

Quaritch " so tell me y/n how has your relationship with the Omaticaya have gone seeing the grace has drawn you into her project"

Grace " wow you little ...."

Y/n " it going well sir and the Omaticaya clan might welcome new friends under the protection of me and grace"

Quaritch " well Jake Sully"

Jake " yes sir"

Quaritch " you will be assigned to y/n team keep an eye on her and don't mess up if anything bad happens you will answer to me and I don't care how many times your brother save saved the day"

Jake " yes sir I will make sure to follow the mission to the fullest"

Quaritch " good and doc we have a meeting with Parker so please come we can't be falling behind"

Grace " sure thing jarhead" soon the two had left the laboratory making everyone in the lab feel better as when they were in the room the tension was always high and uncomfortable.

Y/n " good starting tomboy you will be meet the Omaticaya and we will go over the rest over dinner, I most go but I will be back to inform Mo'at and neytiro" you soon walked towards one of the link and got in as it closed.

Jake " what a women if I knew she was here early I would of come with you tom"

Tom " back off baby bro"

Jake " what is she your women"

Lyle " haha that very funny"

Jake " so she dating you"

Z " that will be a fantasy if that happen but no she the daughter of quaritch"

Jake " oh"

Tom " she is also the daughter of Grace as well"

Norm " she is grace daughter"

Max " yes she is grace pride and joy"

Jake " so I ...."

Tom " when she arrived her she become off limits towards everyone here all humans expect the navi"

Norm " the navi"

Tom " wait until you meet her friends oh they will love you baby brother" norm was taking the warning and was going to stay friends with you but Jake not so much, as he was willing to take chances and start a relationship with you he didn't care about what will happen. Poor Jake was going to learn that he had a rival when it came to getting the girl he had fallen in love and he was going to do anything to win your over and maybe become allies with rival as well.

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