Chapter 1- Memories

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    "Looks like your rehab went well, Charlie?"

    "It did. I can do almost everything I could before the accident."

    "Except for being on the job, right? At the firehouse?"

    "Yeah, except that."

    You're probably wondering who we are, and what's going on. Well, I'm Charlotte Faith Taylor, but everyone calls me Charlie, and this is my sister, Sarah Ann. We were born and raised in the heart of downtown Chicago, Illinois. I grew up as the older tomboy sister, who was very athletic. Though I quickly turned my love of playing sports into training to become a firefighter. I haven't been in the city I grew up in for the last several years, rehabbing an injury I sustained on the job.

    "Are you going to visit the firehouse now that you're back in the city? See that best friend of yours?"

    "I don't know. I mean, I haven't seen any of them in how many years now?"

    "About 8, right? But I think you should."

    I thought about what she'd said and then decided that yeah, I should stop by Firehouse 51. Because it was summer, I decided to walk from my apartment to the station. As I got closer, I could see what looked like a statue at the entrance to the driveway. I walked up to it and realized it was a memorial block of stone with a bronze helmet on top and a plaque. It finally sunk in that the memorial was for Otis.

    "Taylor? Is that you?"

    I spun around, seeing someone behind me that I hadn't seen in almost 7 years.

    "Casey? Matt Casey? I wasn't sure I was even going to come here...but my sister talked me into at least walking outside. I'm glad to see this though," I gestured to the memorial.

    "You heard what happened?"

    "I kept in touch with Sylvie. She told me everything. I wish I could have been here."

    "You had other things on your mind, but thanks. I know everyone else wished you were here too. We all miss you, Charlie."

    "I know. I miss everyone here too."

    "Then come in, catch up with everyone."

    "I don't know…" I stared over his shoulder at the house.

    "Because of what happened…" He didn't have to finish that sentence.

    "Yeah, and now he's with…" This time I trailed off, "You know what, I will come in. Why not?"

    I followed him in, first back to the chief's office, where Matt said,

    "Look who I found outside." Boden looked up at that and answered,

    "Taylor? Charlie Taylor? What are you doing here? Sorry, where are my manners? How are you after…"

    "I'm ok. I finally finished rehab out in New York City. I've been cleared by a doctor for most anything...except the one thing I want."

    "We know, and you know, squad's not the same without you. He's not either…"

    "Wait, you knew about that?"

    "Of course, but you were always great at setting that aside and doing your job. So I didn't see any reason to report it."

    Matt and the Chief had a couple more things to discuss, so I wandered out towards the common room. As I came close, I could see several people that I remembered. Once Sylvie had seen me, I could forget about going unnoticed.

    "Charlie! You came! Sarah said she wasn't sure you would."

    "Yeah, I wasn't sure. But…" I trailed off as she had grabbed me in a bear hug. By this time, everyone else in the room had noticed and came over to hug me too. Until I got to Cruz.

    "Joe! Good to see you. I heard that you got my old spot on squad, right?"

    "Yeah, sorry about that."

    "Don't be. Sylvie's kept me caught up on all the happenings around here, she said you've been doing great," I gave him an extra side hug as we stood together with our backs to the kitchen island, "And I was sorry to hear about Otis. I wish I could have been here for everyone, to say goodbye."

    "Thanks, and I know you were, in spirit at least. Char, you were here in the hearts of everybody at this house," We stood there in silence until he almost whispered, "I suppose you heard about Kelly and Stella?"

    "I did. I mean, I left. I certainly didn't expect him to wait."

    "I don't think he's really happy with her. I mean, he acts like he is. But, then again, he's too stubborn to ever admit anything."

    "You're not wrong there."

    As I wandered down the hallway display of everyone lost in the line of duty, Stella came up beside me.


    "Hey, yourself."

    "I couldn't help overhearing what you and Cruz were talking about."

    "I hope you know I would never try to steal him from you."

    "Oh, I know. But I also know he has never really moved on from you. He's in his officer's quarters, you should go see him."

    "That's the one reunion I was actually nervous about."

    "I heard something about his promotion to lieutenant. Something about a report you made. That you're the reason he got it."

    "I mean, I wouldn't say that."

    "Well, I would."

    "All I did was tell them that I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him. He saved my life."

A/N: The first ONEChicago fanfiction I've ever posted! And one of the first ones I wrote back in the early days of discovering/bingeing Fire, PD & Med! Probably still one of my favorites too...

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