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It's 6:03 pm on a warm friday evening. Ben and Miranda have both just gotten off work and are on the way to the grocery store. Tonight Ben wants to cook one of his favorite meals, home made lasagna and a ceaser salad.


Ben came downstairs after changing into some new clothes, while Miranda was in the kitchen grabbing the recycleable shopping bags.

"Babe, how was wor-" Before Ben could finish his question for Miranda the door bell rang through out the house.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Miranda asked confused.

"No, you?" He asked looking down at his watch. He didn't wait for her response before going to the door.

When he opened it there was a girl who couldn't pass for more then 21. She favored someone he knew but couldn't put a finger on it.

"Hi. Are you Benjamin Warren?"

"Yes, may I help you?"

"I'm Imani Warren. I think you might be my father."

His heart stopped and the world seemed to stop spinning for a moment. Before he could respond Miranda came on the side of him hugging his waist.

"Babe who is it?" Miranda turned to look at Imani and smiled slightly.

"Hi, I'm Imani. I have this letter here from my mom and I think you might want to read it. I didn't mean to come here and disturb your evening, but I couldn't help it."

Imani handed the envelope over to Ben, but he couldn't reach to grab for it. As much as he wanted to his body wouldn't allow him, so Miranda did.

All three of them stared at each other in silence for what seemed like forever before Imani decided to leave.

"Uh my phone number is in the envelope too if you want to get in contact with me, but um I have to go. Nice meeting you both... I guess." She turned to leave and got into her 2020 Nissan Altima and sped off.

"That was weird. Did she tell you what she wanted?"Miranda closed the door and threw the envelope on the table before walking back into the kitchen.

Ben still was in shock so he didn't answer, but he walked over to the table and opened the letter. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the handwriting. Kailee. His first love. His first everything.

Dear Benji,
I know you must hate me after practically disappearing overnight, but it's not my fault my parents can't stand the fact that we're getting closer. They won't allow me to come back and visit my grandparents knowing that you still live in the neighborhood. They don't know this and they'd probably kill me if they did, but I'm six weeks pregnant. The baby's yours, obviously, and I really want you in their life, especially because of the life we said we'd have together. I'll figure out away to get back to you, I promise.
Kailee xoxo

"Ben! Benn!! Benjamin!!" Miranda said waving her hands in his face.

"I- she- she's my daughter." He said looking Miranda in her eyes.

"No. There's no way that's possible... is it?"

wanted to try something different
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