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(Aizawa POV)

I watched her open the door and regretted my stupid snide comments. What is wrong with me? I looked into her eyes when suddenly she jumped at a crack of thunder and left. I stared at the door for a moment after it shut, part of me wishing she would come back so I could apologize properly. When I turned back to the table Hizashi was watching me with a frown. He crossed his arms at me.

"What on earth was that for man!?" He asked me.

"Seriously, she was so nice!" Midnight added with a whine.

"I don't know why I acted like that." I said honestly with a deep sigh. I rubbed my neck and looked down.

"I think I should go apologize, it's late and dark. Plus I think it may storm." I said standing.

"Probably a good idea, she is new to the area and drank plenty. She may need some help." Midnight said.

"All Might lives close by, maybe you should message him and see if she went there." Hizashi suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll talk to you guys later ok." I said before leaving. I looked around outside for any sign of her.

The thunder continued to rumble and I saw the occasional streak of lightning. I loved storms; they were so powerful and beautiful. Seeing no trace of her I decided to text All Might like the others had suggested.

Me: Hey it's Eraser

I know you live

Close to the bar

I was wondering

If (y/n) was there?

All Might: Eraserhead!

No she isn't

Is everything


Me: I think so can

I just stop by

In case she comes


All Might: Sure feel free

All Might sent his address and I ran over there as quickly as I could. I knocked and a tiny blonde man opened the door.

"Please pardon my appearance, this is my normal form." He said and I recognized him as All Might.

"It's no problem at all, may I come in." I asked, surprised at my own frantic tone.

"Yes, please have a seat. What is going on? Is (y/n) ok?" He asked me concerned.

He really did sound like a parent.

"I was an ass tonight." I sighed pulling at my tie nervously. "I think I may have upset her then she left but it sounded like a storm and she had been drinking so I wanted to find her and apologize."

"I see, well you can wait here and see if she shows up I'll grab us a drink." All Might replied.

He looked concerned as he glanced out the window at the storm clouds. He went to the kitchen and returned with two glasses of a dark drink over ice. I looked at it unsure what it was, but decided to take a drink anyway. It was sweet and delicious.

"What is this?" I asked between drinks.

"It's sweet tea, a drink (y/n) loves from America. We are having dinner together tomorrow so I made some." All Might explained with a smile.

Suddenly we heard a small noise outside and the door opened. All Might started towards the door and I heard crying from (y/n).

"Toshi, I feel so stupid. I don't know why I thought I could do this." She started before I could make her aware I was here.

She hugged All Might and only noticed me when I gasped slightly in shock. When I looked at her she had black cat ears and a black tail.

"Oh my God Toshi! This is even worse." She sobbed, crying harder and trying to hide her face from me.

I felt sick to my stomach with guilt.

"(Y/n)," I started gently. " I only wanted to apologize for my behavior tonight."

She looked at me slightly as she tried to regain her composure. She had made the ears and tail vanish and she wiped away her tears. I took another deep breath.

"I can't wait to teach with you. I have no idea why I spoke to you like that and I'm truly very sorry." I finished.

All Might whispered something in her ear and she looked at him, thinking for a moment before nodding. All Might left the room as she came and sat on the couch motioning for me to sit next to her. I did so and waited patiently for her to speak. I looked into her (e/c) eyes and wondered what it would be like to kiss her. I shook my head confused by my own thoughts. She took one final, shaky breath before turning to me.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I didn't know you were here of course, please just don't tell anyone." She said in a pleading tone.

When I looked into her eyes they looked like a storm. For the first time since meeting (y/n) I noticed an intense sadness in her eyes.

"You have no need to apologize truly, and I swear I won't tell anyone at all." I paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry I came here without asking you, I was just worried about you leaving alone and upset." I explained.

For a moment (y/n) looked completely shocked, then she seemed to actually calm down looking at her hands.

"I suppose I should address the ears?" She asked me, never looking up.

"Only if you want to, I won't tell anyone either way. I don't want you to feel you owe me an explanation but if you want to I would gladly listen." I said, shocking myself with my gentle tone. What is going on with me?

"I got the quirk from my mom." She began as she released them again.

"The quirk isn't useful for my hero work at all so I just keep it secret. My mother used to say it was bad luck and others agreed or thought it was ugly so I just keep it out of sight unless I'm in private. Only you and Toshinori know." She explained as she stroked the tail gently.

I'm not sure if it was just the alcohol, but hearing that anyone made her feel that way made me irrationally angry.

"I know it's not my business, but I love them." I said.

She looked at me completely shocked.

"How about tomorrow you join Toshinori and I for dinner? We can start over from scratch and pretend tonight never happened." She asked me yawning as she stretched.

I tried not to grin, when she stretched her back arched like a cat.

"I would love to. I'll be here tomorrow." I said gently.

She smiled and walked with me to the door. She was rubbing her eyes, clearly exhausted from the crying. As I stepped out of the door and turned to say goodbye I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Goodnight (y/n)." I said

She blushed and looked at me shocked before saying goodnight and waving as she shut the door.

God why did I do that? What in the world has gotten into me tonight!? The entire walk home I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her. She was so beautiful tonight and her laugh was infectious. I wondered to myself how she would look curled up in my bed.

I shook my head trying to clear the thoughts as I opened my front door and heard the familiar meowing. I smiled at my cat who was weaving between my feet. As I lay in bed I thought of (y/n) and smiled. I can't wait till dinner tomorrow. I can't believe how lucky I am that she would give me another chance.

I eventually drifted off to sleep peacefully thinking about her.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now