Chapter 10

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"Hey!" Roseanne smiled as she dropped into the passenger's seat of Sana's car. Her lips still tingled with Lisa's kiss still on them and her stomach was full of even more butterflies than when she showed up.

"Hi again," Sana smiled back. "First things first," she began sternly as she backed down Lisa's driveway. She had a hand behind Roseanne's head rest and craned her neck over her shoulder. "I really, honestly had no idea you two were here and never would have come over if I did."

"I know that," Roseanne said with a reassuring chuckle. "The sooner you stop apologizing for it, the sooner we'll all stop thinking about it and we'll all feel less awkward about it."

"That's fair," Sana couldn't resist matching Roseanne's chuckle. "Second things second, you realize she's pretty much my baby sister, right?"

"Lisa told me all about your childhood and your families and her parents and everything," Roseanne replied. She knew where this was going. This was the speech. The family speech. The hurt-her-and-I'll-kill-you speech.

"Oh," Sana furrowed her brow. It looked like she was mentally scrolling for where she could skip to in her warnings. "Shit. Really?"

"Yeah, yesterday," Roseanne nodded softly. "All good things!" she added, throwing her hands up defensively. Sana laughed. "I expected the fierce loyalty when I finally met you, and don't worry. I'm cool."

"I know it looks like all we do is give each other shit, but I really love that girl more than anything. Except my son. My son first, Lisa second," Sana said, her tone joking but Roseanne could hear it in her voice. "He bumped her when he was born."

"I think that's great. If you're headed down the road where you're going to tell me that you'll kill me if I screw around with her or hurt her, I can stop you right there," Roseanne said matter of factly. "It's not like that."

"I haven't decided which one of you I'm worried about, if we're all being honest," Sana sighed. Her phone rang and it blared through the Bluetooth in her car and startled both of them. 'ROAN calling' scrolled across the radio screen. Roseanne quirked a brow.

"You can answer it. I won't tell," Roseanne shrugged. Sana gave her a thankful look and hit the button to pick up his call.

"Hey," Sana said with a little smile.

"Hey, Sugar," Roan's voice flirted through the car's speakers. Sana winced at the pet name in Roseanne's presence.

"Hey, Roan. I'm in the car with Roseanne," Sana warned.

"Lisa's Roseanne?" He asked innocently. She knew he didn't mean anything by it, but Roseanne's cheeks flushed. She was known in their circle as Lisa's. She liked being 'Lisa's Roseanne.' It felt so good and so right and so exciting all at once.

"Yeah, I'm giving her a ride home. Don't say anything you don't want getting back to your commander in chief," Sana joked.

"Oh, spare me," Roseanne chuckled.

"Hi Roseanne," Roan said in a sing song voice. "Me and a buddy were talking about stopping by Blake's later. Will we see you?"

"Can't. Work tomorrow," Roseanne sighed.

"Next time, then. I'll let you ladies go. An, are we still good for Wednesday night before the big field trip?"

"Yeah, Aden's got play practice from six to nine, so we should be good for dinner," Sana replied. Roseanne glanced over and loved that Sana was grinning while she talked to him. It was sweet. As far as Roseanne could tell, Roan was nice enough, smart enough and maybe a little vanilla, but perhaps that was what someone with a strong personality like Sana needed. She liked the thought of them now that she had finally met Sana and was glad Lisa was trying to get over herself.

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