Chapter 25

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"Who's Costia?" Roseanne asked innocently.

All of the chefs around them visibly panicked.

"Oh, fuck," Cece muttered and wiped a hand over her eyes.

"Shit," Byrne winced. Artigus backed up a step and Indra froze like a stone. Roma glanced back and forth between Roseanne, Lisa and Artigus with every available emotion she had.

"I'm sorry," Artigus tried. "I didn't," he tried again but couldn't figure out what words would help.

"Who's Costia and what did she ruin?" Roseanne asked more firmly. Sana ducked her head and caught her breath before turning back to the conversation.

"You never fucking told her?" Sana gave Lisa a look. It wasn't full of her usual sarcastic older sister figure sass. It was genuine, hard and disappointed.

"Told me what?" Roseanne's eyes widened with worry. They all spoke in knowing glances and half-code and it made her more anxious.

"Commander, I didn't know. I figured you would have said something with the new business with her friend and stuff. I'm sorry," Artigus tried again.

"What the fuck is this?" Jennie set the bottle down on the bar as the celebratory vibe quickly evaporated around them.

"You never told me WHAT?" Roseanne put more emphasis on it and grew firmer by the second. It made Lisa's stomach turn to see that look on Roseanne's face. Worry and concern mixed with a lack of trust.

"Costia is my ex," Lisa sighed heavily.

"So? You've got a million exes. What's the big deal?" Roseanne asked Lisa, her voice verging on acidic. Sana's reaction had her the most worked up. Lisa had kept something from her, and it had everyone Lisa kept close in a significant freak out. Everyone around them couldn't figure out if they should stand by and be helpful or give the couple some space.

"She caused a lot of problems the first time we tried to open Trikru," Lisa exhaled steadily. "She treated me very poorly and she jeopardized the business."

"Understatement of the fucking year, but technically accurate," Roma grumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Roseanne asked, her tone growing tight.

"I don't like to talk about it," Lisa sighed. She wasn't sure what to do. Everyone was watching, frozen in panic over what to do with themselves. "It was never the right time."

"Sounds like this isn't the right time either," Roseanne said sharply.

"Do you two want some space, or?" Cece tried to back up.

"No," Roseanne sighed. She turned her eyes to Lisa. "I'll skip the celebratory shot, though. I think I've had enough." Roseanne gestured at Jennie with the bottle who was bouncing her bothered, furrowed brow back and forth between her best friend and her new boss.

"Roseanne, I'm sorry," Lisa tried again. Roseanne was stiff and clearly displeased.

"I'm going to see who's got next on darts," Roseanne sighed and removed herself from the conversation. They all watched her go.

"You motherfucker," Roma, eyes on fire, whirled on Artigus once Roseanne was out of earshot.

"What the fuck did I do?" He squealed when she grabbed him by his tie and yanked him closer to her.

"That was none of your business to step in," Roma said very lowly.

"Kinda sounds like it's all of our business to step in," Jennie cleared her throat. They all looked up to find her with her arms crossed over her chest and a brow still apprehensively raised.

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