ch.2: A rather weird dream, kinda.

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Dr. Maria couldn't believe what was happening. She had fallen into the black hole again, just like before. But this time, things were different. As she tumbled through the darkness, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had been here before.

She tried to focus on her work, but her thoughts kept drifting back to that strange sense of déjà vu. She confided in her colleagues, but they just looked at her with confusion. "What are you talking about, Maria? This is your first time in the black hole."

But Maria knew what she had experienced. She had been here before, and she was certain that this wasn't the first time she had fallen into this black hole. She couldn't explain it, but she knew that something was off.

As the days went on, the feeling only intensified. And then, one day, it all became clear. She was suddenly transported back to Earth, back to her familiar lab.

But as she looked around, everything felt different. It was as if she had never left. She couldn't believe what was happening. Was she stuck in some kind of infinite loop?

She tried to make sense of it all, but it was like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. She knew she had to find a way out of this cycle, but she had no idea how.

Dr. Maria was determined to find a way out of the infinite loop she had been trapped in. She had spent weeks studying the black hole, trying to understand how it worked and if there was any way to escape its grasp. But no matter what she did, she always found herself back in the same place, tumbling through the darkness.

She knew she had to try something different. And that's when she hit upon the idea of studying the green star. She had always been fascinated by its unique properties, and she wondered if there might be some kind of connection between it and the black hole.

She convinced her team to go back to the green star and conduct some experiments. They were skeptical at first, but they trusted Maria's instincts and agreed to give it a try.

As they made their way back to the green star, Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. She had always been drawn to this celestial object, and she was determined to find out what it could tell her.

Over the next few days, they conducted a series of experiments and collected data, eager to learn as much as they could about this mysterious object. And as they worked, Maria began to see patterns emerge. It was as if the green star was trying to tell her something, to give her a clue about how to break out of the infinite loop.

She couldn't believe it. She had finally found the answer she had been searching for. With this newfound knowledge, she was confident that she could break out of the cycle and return to the safety of her lab on Earth.

But suddenly the next day, Dr. Maria was devastated. She had just spent weeks studying the green star, collecting data and making incredible discoveries. She had finally found a way to break out of the infinite loop she had been trapped in, and she was eager to share her findings with the world.

But as she prepared to present her research, she received some shocking news. All of the data they had gathered from the green star had been stolen. She couldn't believe it. Who would do such a thing, and why?

She immediately launched an investigation, determined to find out who was behind the theft and to recover the stolen data. She worked tirelessly with her team, following every lead and leaving no stone unturned.

As they delved deeper into the mystery, they began to suspect that the theft might be related to their research on the green star. It was a rare and mysterious object, and there were those who would do anything to get their hands on its secrets.

5 weeks later or so she thought it was 5 weeks, her computer started to malfunction with a bit of trial and error she recovered the lost data and was in shock with a mix of confusion? The feeling was... anti-climatic, dont ya think?

Dr. Maria was still searching for answers. She had recovered the stolen data, but she still had no idea who was behind the theft. She was determined to find out, and she was putting in long hours trying to solve the mystery.

But despite her best efforts, the trail had gone cold. It was as if the thief had vanished into thin air. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something, that there was some key piece of evidence she had overlooked.

She was beginning to lose hope, when suddenly she was transported back to the green star. She couldn't believe it. She had thought she had broken out of the infinite loop, but now she was back in the same place, tumbling through the darkness.

As she looked around, everything felt different. It was as if she had never left. She couldn't explain it, but she knew that this was where she was meant to be.

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