ch.3: Dont let the black hole bite, have i gone insane?.

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Dr. Maria was starting to feel like she was losing her mind. She had fallen into the infinite loop so many times now, each time returning to the green star and being forced to restart her studies. It was as if the universe was determined to keep her trapped in this cycle, never allowing her to move on.

She was beginning to feel like she was trapped in some kind of nightmare, and she was struggling to hold onto her sanity. She had always been a brilliant and dedicated scientist, but this endless cycle was taking its toll.

She confided in her team, but they didn't understand. They saw her as the same strong and capable leader she had always been, and they couldn't comprehend the struggles she was facing.

She began to feel like she was losing her connection to reality. She was starting to see things that couldn't possibly be there, and she was hearing voices in her head. She knew she needed to break out of this cycle, but she had no idea how.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Maria became more and more isolated. She was losing touch with the world around her, and she was losing hope that she would ever be able to escape this cycle.

Dr. Maria had given up. She had spent months trying to solve the mystery of the stolen data, but she had hit a dead end. She was tired and exhausted, and she had lost hope that she would ever find the answers she was searching for.

So she made the difficult decision to move on. She packed up her lab and said goodbye to her team, determined to leave this whole ordeal behind her.

But as she was preparing to leave, she felt a sudden urge to explore the black hole again. She couldn't explain it, but she felt drawn to it, as if it were calling to her.

She hesitated at first. She had already spent so much time in the black hole, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to go back. But the pull was too strong to ignore.

In the end, she made the decision to jump into the black hole once again. She knew it was risky, but she was determined to see it through to the end.

As she tumbled through the darkness, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. This was where she belonged, and she knew that she was meant to be here.

Then something out of the ordinary happened, guess this has happened again eh? But this time it was diffrent. Let me rephrase that, something VERY diffrent.

Dr. Maria couldn't believe what she was seeing. As she emerged from the black hole, she was expecting to see the familiar surroundings of her lab on Earth. But instead, she found herself in a completely different world.

The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the land was covered in lush forests and sparkling lakes. She couldn't see any sign of civilization, but she could feel the presence of other beings all around her.

She was filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. She had always known that there were other worlds out there, but she had never expected to see one with her own eyes.

She set out to explore this new world, determined to learn as much as she could. She encountered all kinds of strange and wonderful creatures, and she made some amazing discoveries.

Dr. Maria had been exploring the strange world for weeks now, and she had made some amazing discoveries. She had encountered all kinds of strange and wonderful creatures, and she had learned so much about this new and mysterious place.

But as the days went on, she began to sense that something was watching her. She couldn't see anything, but she could feel it. It was as if there was a presence lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

She tried to shake off the feeling, but it persisted. She couldn't shake the sense that she was being hunted, and she knew she had to be careful.

She kept a close eye on her surroundings, always alert for any sign of danger. She had no idea what kind of creature might be after her, but she knew she had to be ready for anything.

As the days turned into weeks, the sense of being watched only intensified. She was starting to feel like she was being stalked, and she knew she had to find a way to escape.

She searched for a way out, but no matter where she went, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed. She knew she had to find a way to outsmart her hunter, or she would be doomed.

But despite the danger, she refused to give up. She was determined to survive and to find a way out of this strange and terrifying world.

But that eerie sensation. Someone watching me, from a far distance. What could that "thing" want from me. Blood? Fresh meat? Knowledge???

Whatever it was, itwas hungry. And i dont mean hungry. Like craving for a fresh meal.

Then i ran.

-End of book 1-

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