Chapter 1

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Tringgg,Tringgg,Tringgg...I pressed the old bell like a zillionth time!Well I found it in the attic last night and the sound of it is the same as the electromagnetic one at my school.I've been hearing the sound ever since and I still don't know if I like the sound of it or no...I mean it depends on the timing.I love it if it is the end of the day or a class and hate if is it is the beginning.Guess its the same for

Not that I hate school,studies and extra-curricular fact I love it but I just wish it was not so monotonous.I love books and most of the time wish life was as interesting as a book!Well,life gets really boring if one lives alone...I mean most of the time as everyone is so busy.Its even worse if you live in the countryside in an old place and go to an old school.You expect some 'Secret Passages' and 'Magic Woods' and well it never happens...

I had to rush again to school,I wasted a lot of time with the bell already!A Health Bar for breakfast...again,a quick freshen up and I was out,walking fast or running?

But I was on time!YAY!

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