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You floated through the party without really focusing on anything. Your dad guided you from person to person, and for a second it reminded you of the stupid BBQ that you had been forced to endure on your very first day back in Brooklyn. The only difference was that now you were leaving, and you were heart broken.

You found a perch at a table near the treehouse, Yelena, and Peter by your side, the three of you chugging wine by the glass.

"So I'm thinking if I pull some extra shifts in January then I should be able to take time off and come visit you in April," Yelena said, taking another large chug of wine. "And Peter has already booked time off."

You weren't really listening to what she was saying, because as you looked up from your wine you saw him - Bucky - make his way into the garden, a glass of whiskey in his hand. His eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on you, and for a second it felt as if you were the only two people in that garden. The chatter died out, the bodies melding in with the green of the trees around you, the only person still clear to your eyes being him. And then just as quickly as his eyes had found you, they left you, and the sounds of the party came flooding back to you, loud and unrelenting as you were pulled back to reality.

The sound of a knife hitting a glass rang out through the party and suddenly the voice died out, everyone turning to the porch where your dad stood, beaming around the garden.

"Thank you everyone for coming today!" He called out. "I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate my wonderful daughter on her new job, and the new opportunities that are coming her way. So, let's all raise a glass to Y/N!"

Applause came from the party guests, multiple glasses raised in your direction. Your eyes found Bucky once more as he raised his glass towards you, a thin-lipped smile on his face, throwing you a small nod, one that you were certain contained more words that he was able to speak in that moment. He threw the contents of his glass back, swallowing it in one swift movement, before retreating back into the house to refill it.

The party continued, and you did your best to keep to yourself, hoping that your spot by the treehouse with Yelena and Peter was enough to keep the other party guests away. You weren't in the mood to talk to them about how amazing your new job was going to be and how excited you were about going to Chicago.

You found, as the party progressed and the guests grew more and more drunk, that your eyes continuously wandered to Bucky, as he chatted to your dad or hung off the patio bannister with a cigarette - he only smoked when he was stressed about something. You wanted to go over there and tell him you loved him, that you would do anything for him. You wanted him to come to you and tell you the same thing. But there seemed to be this invisible barrier that spread across the length of the garden, keeping the pair of you away from each other.

After a while, a hand came down to gently pat your shoulder and you turn to find your dad smiling down at you, pointing at his watch.

"Time to go, honey."

Your bags were packed into the back of the cab quickly, hugs and goodbyes sent to the party guests who followed you out to the front street.

And with that, as if the past few months had never happened, you were squashed into the back of a cab heading to the airport, your entire life surrounding you crammed into boxes and suitcases, just as you had been once before when you had returned to Brooklyn, unaware of how your life would change since then.



Bucky stood at the very top of the front steps of the old brownstone house, watching as her cab made its way down the road, disappearing around the corner and out of sight, her disappearing with it.

Just the Way You Are - Dad's Best Friend Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now