Gwen: Miles!miles! Miles!
Miles:what what what
Gwen: remember yesterday we got bit by spiders? Well I can do something cool now!
Gwen runs to a wall and climbs up and she is now on the ceiling
Miles: whoa.... Lemme try
Miles climbs up the wall to the Same place Gwen is
Miles: awesome
Gwen: have you noticed? These are the powers spidey has! We can be heroes!
Miles: Yay!
How They met Spidey and his Amazing Friends
AdventureWe all know the Spidey team, Ghost-Spider, Spin, and Spidey, they are kinda like siblings. But what if that wasn't always the case? Spidey AKA Peter Parker is fine and used to/with being solo. And then 2 superheroes come and he doesn't even know wha...