Chapter 3: Meet Spin and Ghosty

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Spidey was fighting Doc Ock when she pushed him to the ground

Doc ock: nighty night, Spidey! Hahahahahaha!

Getting ready for the finishing blow, Spidey put his arms in front of his face to protect him. Doc ock raised her metal arm and was about to strike Spidey, when suddenly...

Some white, purple, blue, and pink girl hero glided in and head-butted Doc Ock, making the villainess stumble onto the table

Doc ock: what?! Another spider?!

Spidey: Wha...?

Spidey looked up and saw it was a girl alright. She had a white hoodie which went with her white mask.

Miles: Correction, Spiders. With an S.

Spidey: what-!?

Gwen: time to leave our friendly neighborhood hero alone, Doc Ock!

Doc ock: grrrrr fine, Spider-Girl and Spider-Boy!

Gwen: oh, my names not Spider-Girl. It's Spider-Gwen

Spidey: WHAT?!


Spidey's mind: so ghosty's telling me that that's GWEN?! GWEN IS A SUPERHERO?! Mr black and red must be Miles

Miles: Yeah! Only my names not gonna be Spider-Miles! It's gonna be Spin!

Doc ock: grrrrr Spin and Spider-Gwen... since when did Spidey get lackeys?

Gwen: lackeys?! LACKEYS?!

Gwen punched Doc ock, knocking the villainess out. They both turned to there superhero, who is still shocked at what he saw

Spidey: wha-!? Wha? Since when-?! What the what!?

Miles: okay, don't get freaked out, but remember those kids that you saved the other day?

Spidey: y-yeah

Gwen: I'm Gwen. That's Miles.

Spidey: you already know my name. I can't tell you my identity

Gwen: that'd be just chaos! You can know our identities meanwhile we can't know yours?

Spidey: you are a fast learner.

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