Chapter 1

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I once knew a man. Who tried to save the world. He lost his arm in the process, but he won. That man was my husband. It started out we hated each other. I'll get to that. My brother says it started at the final battle. No, it started the day the new kid moved here. His name, was John smith: also known as number four, but at the time we didn't know that. "Tera, wake up." I hear someone yelling, I sit straight up, and wrap my hands around his throat. Just to see it's Sam. I let him go. "Thanks for not killing me." He says, I roll my eyes, and glare at him. He gets the hint, and leaves. I get out of bed, and walk over to my dresser. I look in the mirror. Studying the hole where my eye should be. I put my black eye patch over it. The my black framed glasses. Then a black tank top, and black shorts. I run a finger over the scar that goes down my neck. From a knife fight I didn't win. That's how I lost my eye. I don't know how I'm still alive. The only one who calls me by my name is mom and Sam. That's it.

I throw my bag over my shoulder, and walk out the room. "Ready eagle." I say, to Sam as I walk out.

"Yeah, you're tattoos are showing." He says, he's talking about my tattoo on my stomach, my arm,and above my eye. The tattoo on my stomach says: 'you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.' The one on my arm is a compass dream catcher with the planet inside the compass part. The one above my eyes is of stars.

"Yeah, that's the point." I say, probably too harshly. I don't care. We walk out the house.

"Why do you do this?" He asks, I know what he's referring to. He's referring to the scars. The tattoos. My dark red dyed hair that's half shaved, and shoved over to one side. He's talking about me getting In fights to protect him. To protect others if they need it. I can't tell him the truth. It would crush him if he knew I blamed myself for dads disappearance. I know he believes alien kidnaped him, and maybe he's right. I don't believe in alien though. If they do exist I need proof. Not just someone's word for it. So I stay silent. We walk pass houses, and trees. Then we arrive at the school. It's an older building. Sarah is outside like always taking pictures. Her blond hair to one side. He brown eyes shining. Her camera snapping. We keep walking. I unlock my locker and grab what I need. Then walk into class. Sam takes the seat behind me. A new kid with blond hair walks in. He looks nervous.

He sits down. "Welcome to this hell hole. New kid, I'm terra, but everyone calls me 007 or 07 for short. What the hell is your name?" I say crossing my arms.

"John smith." I nod,

"You're not going to call him by his real name are you?" Sam asks,

"Oh shut up eagle." I say, sam shakes his head. John looks confused. I roll my eye. "We aren't together. He's my little brother." I explain,

"We're twins! I'm younger then you by a minute." Sam says, I roll my eye again.

I see John constantly squeezing his hands. "Hey new kid you ok? We don't need you dying on the first day." He grabs his phone, and runs. "Great he left his stuff." I mutter, I stand up and grab his bag. I don't get why he doesn't use a locker. Who am I to judge. I get it. I have to because the principal is to afraid I'm going to bring a gun in or something. Jeez I'm not going to kill a bunch of innocents. Ok maybe mark, but he's a dick. I walk past him. He grabs my arm.

"Hold on sweetheart I'm going with you." He says,

I roll my eye. "I'm not you're damn sweetheart. Now let go of me before I break your arm." I say, giving him the death stare. He lets go. I walk out in the hall, and follow the line of students. I knock on the door of the dark room. "New kid, you left your stuff." No response. "Fine, be that way, but I'm standing here tell you get the hell out of there. So I can hand you your stuff."'I yell through the door. No response. I stand by the door. An older man with graying hair, and worry lines around his face shows up. "I take it the new kid is yours."

"Yes." He says, camly, but the stress and worried ness is in his voice.

"Here." I say, tossing the bag to him. "Keep an eye on him. He seems nervous or off. I can't tell." I walk off before he has a chance to respond.

Mark laughs. I turn my gaze on him. "What the hell do you want jock?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"You're helping a kid who's doing you know what." I roll my eye.

"He seems sick to me."

"He seems sick to me." He mocks, I stare at him. "What are you going to do? Hit me." He asks, challenge accepted. I hit him square in the jaw. He loses his balance, and takes a few steps back. Taking his hand to his face and looking at. As if he's bleeding.

"Yeah, I think I will." I say, my heart beating so fast I don't think my rib cage can hold it in much longer. The adrenaline beginning to pump through me. I clinch my fists. He goes to hit me. I dodge his fist. Then knew him in the stomach. He doubles over. I then hit him in the face. He looks up at me, and I say, "you never ever say anything like that again. Expectantly if the person isn't there to defend themselves. You hear me!" Anger lacing my every word. As I shove a finger in his face. He stares at me. Like he's going to hit me again. He pushes my hand out of his face, and walks back in class. John and his father walk pass me. I nod to them. The father nods back. Johns bag over his shoulder they leave the school. I walk back in the class. Staring down mark as the class begins. Nothing else happens. I can't wait to get home so I can run. We both start walking home.

"You got in a fight with mark again." Sam says, not asking, but stating it as a fact.

"Yeah, that son of a bitch deserved it."

"You're going to end up in prison again." He says, I laugh.

"Yeah, tell me something I dont know." Once we get home I drop my stuff off then go to get a tattoo. I walk in.

"07, what would you like?" A women with tattoos all over asks,

"The solar system tattooed on the back of my neck." So she does. I can take the bandage off in a few days. I start running. For no reason other then to run. The I hear sirens. I stop.

"Tera Goode get on the ground! Hands behind your head! You're under arrest. For assault of mark James." An officer yells. Fuck. The office handcuffs my hands then throws me in the back of the car. I don't say a word. Once we get here they put me in the holding cell. Im the only one there. I sit on the bench back against wall. Leaning back arms crossed. soon the door unlocks. I look up to see mom and Sam standing there. Mom looks pissed, and Sam just seems tired. I walk out. She yells at me the whole time. Then yells about the new tattoo, and all the otheres. I know she worry's about me. I get that, but this is my way of dealing with dads disappearance. When we get home I collapse on the bed. Going straight to sleep.

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