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Sonic POV

We got to an abandoned-looking building in around ten minutes. When we stopped outside, Tails started hanging on for dear life. I mean, I wouldn't blame him; this place looked terrifying! "Where are we?" Amy asked the wolf who brought her here. "Here you won't be found so easily." Come inside." He said this and started walking towards a wall. "WAIT! "Before we go anywhere with you, tell us your name." Shadow said as he looked down at the wolf."My name is Arlo." Arlo, I believe, said the wolf.Shadow nodded in approval, and we went into a wall. "WOAH!" I yelled, not expecting to walk through a wall."What is this place?" Tails asked as he kept walking forward, looking at everything. "It's a laboratory." "You will be safe here; it can't be detected." "Arlo," he said as he walked to the computer and started typing. "Sooo, how did you know we were locked in there?" I asked and sped up next to him, our faces right next to each other. "A little someone told me." He said this while pointing to a door."INFINITE?!?" Except for Shadow, I and the others yelled."Yeah, it's me." Infinite said "Also, my name is Zero," he also said. "But if you're here, then who was attacking us?" Tails asked and stepped closer to zero, "Right now, we don't know who the host is.But part of the answer would be a creature named "Phantom," as he likes to call himself. Zero said as he looked away. "What do you mean by "part of the answer"?" Tails asked, standing at least 4 feet away from the jackal at the moment. "What I mean is that Phantom is a corrupted entity as a result of the Phantom Ruby.""Whenever the Ruby attaches someone, Phantom has full control." He said this as he walked over to Arlo."So what you're saying is that the one who was attaching us was this Phantom guy?" Amy asked, which also made me curious: "Soo! "You weren't the one when you were all evil and stuff?" I also asked, and he nodded to both our questions. "How do we stop it—him, them, whatever it is?" Tails asked both others at the computer. "We do not currently know, but we do need you to get some armor on if we want to save the world." Zero said, pointing to a room."Why exactly do we need armor and you two don't?" Shadow asked, clearly annoyed even more than being in a room with his worst enemy. "It doesn't like me!" Arlo said "I can resist him." Zero said, turning back to the computer.

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