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Smoke and empty beers carcass were filling the rather small living room. Beomgyu only hit on the blunt he shared with Yeonjun few times but he clearly already felt the effects of the drug.

Both of them just lost control over the situation and ended up drinking too many beers together, only sharing small talk and bickering about useless things.

Fastly, Beomgyu found himself being tipsy, he was a kind of lightweight so it wasn't hard for him to be drunk. "No more drinks for you Gyu" Yeonjun laughed, looking at the younger's red eyes. Ironic since Yeonjun was clearly a way drunker than Beomgyu was. "And no more smoking" he added, tightening his grip on the blunt so Beomgyu couldn't take it.

"Please Yeonjun... I only hit like three times !" He whined, remembering the feeling of the smoke coming down his lungs, tickling his throat and blowing his mind. "No." Yeonjun coldly replied, bringing the blunt to his plump duck-like lips.

Beomgyu watched to older inhaling the drug with envy. 'Why is Yeonjun so fucking annoying' he thought then got up, looking for another beer. Actually, he was just looking for any liquor that could make him forget his pain but the older silently followed him. "Beomgyu I said stop drinking" Yeonjun prevented, maintaining the door of the fridge closed with his free hand. It was unfair, Yeonjun had many more drinks than him yet he forbade Beomgyu to drink more.

"Fuck you Yeonjun" Beomgyu hissed, turning around only to find himself close to Yeonjun, his back was against the fridge and if someone walked in, they'll probably think Yeonjun was pinning him against the refrigerator.

None of them dared to speak for some seconds. Yeonjun brought his empty hand to the younger's face, he slowly caressed the younger cheeks, then, to the younger's surprise, the taller boy gently slapped him. He barely touched Beomgyu so it obviously didn't hurt but it was terribly humiliating.

"Behave Beomgyu, if I tell you to stop drinking then fucking stop." Yeonjun grunted then slapped him again, still not using any force.

"But I want to smoke... or drink. Or anything." Beomgyu complied, gently -to not hurt him- grabbing Yeonjun's wrist so he could stop slapping him.

Yeonjun took some time to think, still not backing up. After a while, he spoke, his voice raspy and lower than before "Open your mouth" he demanded.

Beomgyu didn't know why he actually did what the older ordered him but he did, he slightly opened his mouth, making Yeonjun smirk. 'What the hell is going on... It's so fucking hot in there'

Yeonjun brought the blunt to his own lips, inhaled and, unexpectedly, he didn't let the smoke come down his lungs but he exhaled it, right in Yeonjun's mouth, letting the younger inhale the smoke.

Beomgyu couldn't help but roll his eyes, it was hot, too hot for his tipsy and drugged state. "Fuck" Yeonjun murmured, feeling abnormal things in his stomach. The older couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Beomgyu's face. "Such a cute baby" Yeonjun whispered loud enough for Beomgyu to hear then let his mouth come closer to Beomgyu's, he could hear and feel the younger's breath hitch and it visibly amused him a lot since he went even closer to kiss the corner of the youngers mouth.

After that, he just walked back in the living room in a complete silence not sparing another glance at the younger, leaving the said boy out of breath in the kitchen, his back still against the fridge as he was in utter shock.

And suddenly, it was like something switched in Beomgyu. "Fucking asshole" he angrily hissed. Yeonjun was obviously playing with him and he didn't like that a bit. Or that's just what Beomgyu thought... Was he right ? Does Yeonjun really enjoy playing with him? Or maybe the said boy is just too drunk and high to even think straight. Or maybe Beomgyu's drunk self was letting all his frustration out.

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