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You're not enough. Everyone hates you. You're pathetic. Everything you do sucks. That's why nobody likes you, dad, mom, Yeonjun, all the old friends, those bullies, Wooyoung, they all hate you.








Disgusting bitch.

"Eh! Beomgyu!" Beomgyu flinched, feeling his body being shaked by two strong hands on his shoulders.

"You have to tell me what happened just now." The owner of the hands spoke. But Beomgyu couldn't see who it was, his vision was blurry because of the tears, and mainly also because of the shock.

The voices were back. The voices in his head were back, screaming at him insults. Beomgyu had convinced himself he was feeling better mentally. So why the hell were they back ?

His body was shivering, and all the tears gathered in his red eyes fell on his cheeks. "Shhh...Breathe in, then breathe out." The voice said, noticing that Beomgyu's breath was irregular and erratic.

Beomgyu tried to speak, but only a sob came out of his mouth. "Gyu, breathe in. Yeah, like that," the unknown person praised "And now breathe out, you're doing such a good job!" The person continued as their hand made their way to Beomgyu's chest, on his heart.

Beomgyu was slowly feeling conscious again. He was in his own room, on his bed, and strong arms were still holding him.

"Are you feeling better?" The voice asked.

Oh shit.

Beomgyu finally recognized this voice. "J-Jung Wooyoung ?".

Wooyoung, the homophobic, violent, brutal, and mean boy, was comforting him, telling him to breathe, stroking his back.

"I found you alone in the hallway, crying and shaking. I was... Worried." The last word kind of sounded forced, but it still shocked Beomgyu. Who the hell is this guy, and where is the real Wooyoung ?

"He's uncomfortable. Take your dirty hands off his body." Another voice made Beomgyu jump. Since when another person was with them ?

But thankfully, it was just San, his friend San. "By the way, found you, and this idiot was following me," San corrected as he glared at Wooyoung.

To Beomgyu's surprise, Wooyoung winked and smirked at the older boy. San sighed and pushed Wooyoung away from the long-haired boy. "Tell us what happened, Gyu. What did you see inside Yeonjun's room?"

San actually sounded worried. It made Beomgyu feel better. He's not alone.

He's only acting like he likes you. But he hates you. Everyone hates you.

Without noticing, Beomgyu started to shiver again. "Want me to call Soobin ? Or Tae ? Or maybe Changmin?" San asked while he gently caressed Beomgyu's long hair.

"No, it's okay. I'm alright." Beomgyu finally spoke. But he couldn't help but ask himself what does she has that he doesn't have ? Is she prettier ? More sexy? Is she more kind and clever than him? Or maybe he's just bad. Bad at everything, even bad at love.

"Spill." Wooyoung sighed. "Wooyoung ! Don't force him to talk!" San scolded Wooyoung.

"No, it's okay, I can tell you what I saw only if you promise me to stay quiet afterwards." Beomgyu said, looking at Wooyoung. He didn't know why, but at this time, he trusted the two boys. Yes, even Wooyoung who was always mean with him. But the two helped him when he was down and to Beomgyu, it proved that they were trustworthy.

He knew he was probably wrong but he didn't care.

"I saw Yeonjun. And he was... With a girl. Fucking her." The two boys in front of Beomgyu looked perplexed. Of course Yeonjun, the biggest playboy of the school, who actually fucked most of the girls there, will be fucking a girl on the new year's day.

Beomgyu felt stupid. Obviously, Yeonjun wanted to keep their relationship secret so he could do that kind of thing.

"Well, that's Yeonjun. That guy's a fuckboy." San said with a frown.

"No!" Beomgyu exclaimed, making the two boys jump. "Yeonjun and I... We-We were a thing. I know you'll probably not believe me, but he told me he loved me. We were in a relationship. I swear it's true !" The long-haired boy erratically said.

San and Wooyoung looked kind of astonished. "I believe you." Wooyoung was surprisingly the first to speak.

Because the boy noticed how his best friend changed since Beomgyu moved in. He noticed how he wasn't the ignorant and homophobic bastard he was before, he noticed none of his "girls" wore the skirt he bought, he noticed that Yeonjun bought girly things for his "date" for Christmas while he only spent the said Christmas with his roommate, he noticed that he actually didn't know his best friend like he thought he did.

"Since when?" San asked gently, still looking kind of unsure about Beomgyu's explanation. "Like two weeks ?" The long-haired boy said.

"So now, he's cheating on you ?" Wooyoung said as Beomgyu nodded approvingly. "And you didn't beat the shit out of him ? You just walked out of his room ? Beomgyu stop being so weak and hits him real hard, so he finally regrets being an asshole !" Wooyoung exclaimed loudly. "And you know what? Live your fucking life ! Go flirt with other boys, show him what he lost." San and Beomgyu's eyes widened, when did Wooyoung changed so much ?

"Look, I tried to change myself for years only to be liked by him. I acted like a dumb bitch because I wanted to be his friend and guess what ? He doesn't give a single fuck because he's egoistic." Wooyoung continued to speak, again generating a surprised expression on the two friend's face.

Wooyoung was obviously not sober but Beomgyu could feel he let his heart speak, he knew that the Wooyoung who he was talking to right now was the real one.

"Now, dry your tears and dance with me." Wooyoung dried the boy's pearly tears and grabbed his hand along with San's bigger one, then he walked out of Beomgyu's room to reach the still crowded living room.

"Gyu! Where were you?" Taehyun loud voice was heard over the music. "Some things happened, I just want to have fun right now." Beomgyu hissed, taking the cup which was in Taehyun's hand.

And before the younger could protest, Beomgyu drank it all. "Let's have fun!" Wooyoung screamed, earning a glare from Beomgyu's two friends.

"What the hell happened to Wooyoung?" Taehyun asked, watching Beomgyu and Wooyoung dancing and getting wasted together. "Gay awakening, I guess ? Earlier, he kissed me and told me he was hiding the fact that he was gay because he was scared to lose his friends. That guy's weird as fuck." San answered with a disgusted face.

"Anyways, now you have to tell me what happened to Beomgyu."

"Long story short...."

⸺ 🎸🛹 !

Oops 😬

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