{Fluff | Mermaid AU} Hakizana

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Ocean Eyes

Haki's older brother being too protective could get annoying, she understood his intentions were good, and she was happy to have a brother who cared for her. However, she needed time to breathe every once in a while which was hard to come by when living in royalty. Every now and then when it would become too much for the girl, she'd sneak away to take some time for herself, finding happiness in the nearby nature that she could hide away in.

Haki put her hands between the green hanging leaves in front of her and parted them like a curtain, entering the cave with a delayed sigh. It wasn't dark at all as expected the first few times. At the centre of the cave there was a hole in the roof and bright pink and yellow plants decorating the walls. It was overtaken by greenery, all circling round the blue pond in the middle of the grassy ground, it looked deep and the place it led to was unknown.

Haki sat down on a warm rock by the edge of the body of water, taking a breath of fresh air with a smile and closing her eyes in peace. The warmth of the large rock made her feel calm, unknowing to the fact that, from across the pond, blonde hair emerged from the water, eyes as blue as the water beneath him staring at the girl in familiar curiosity.

"I didn't expect you to come back here Haki."

The male called out, the grin in his voice could be heard. It made Haki jump wide eyed, surprised by the voice she recognised and by his sudden appearance as if trying to jump her. It took her a moment to comprehend before smiling, chuckling in embarrassment.

"You're here this time Izana."

"I have been busy with my duties, are you implying that you've come here many times and have been waiting for me?" Izana asked as he swam closer to the rock she sat on.

The girl looked to the side, a little bit of guilt on her face. The girl had been there many times and interacted with the merman most of the time, but the last time she was there, the male was not. He went by the name Izana, he was a prince down in the never ending ocean world. The first time they met she compared him to the flower she had been holding at that moment and gave it to him. He just laughed and said it would not survive in the water so he put it in her hair and left her alone blushing. Not expecting him to do something like that on the first meeting. It felt almost like a fairy tale.

The feeling of a smooth scaled finger touching her cheek brought Haki back to reality. A blush accumulating from the touch and closeness. She could see his sapphire eyes better and the affectionate expression hidden within them.

"The flower looked better in your hair than it did on the ground."

"Ah, thank you" Haki glanced down in embarrassment from the sneaky and unexpected compliment. "If you like it, I will make sure to start wearing flowers in my hair more."

Izana wore an amused grin. "I think that would be great." He moved his hand away from her face, taking the girl's hands in his. Silence filled the air for a few seconds before he spoke with seriousness in his voice. "Soon I will be coming up to the surface. There seems to be a way that our family's can unite the land and sea" He explains to her.


A week went by in the blink of an eye. Haki hadn't had any time to be able to run off to the cave she would hide out speaking to the mermaid prince, she was beginning to feel lonely. Sat in front of a mirror and brushing her hair, she jumped at the sound of a knock on her door. "Come in." She called out and watched as her brother Makiri walked into the room from the reflection of the mirror. The dark haired male walked up behind and looked into the mirror.

"Father is calling for us. It's important." He told her as he took her hair in his hands to which she handed him the brush so he could continue what she had started. "I don't know what it is about so we will be finding out together." He grumbled.

Haki became curious at the statement. "I wonder what he wants to speak about." She moved her head to the left and right, checking out the hair style her brother had just completed. A smile grazing her face. "Thank you. We can go now."

The siblings made their way out of the room and through the hallways of the castle until eventually finding themselves being led into the throne room where their father, the King, stood waiting for them.

"Ah there you both are, my dear children I have good news." The tall older man spoke in a loud voice, filled with excitement.

"What good news, father?" Makiri asked, standing beside his sister who nodded, curiosity bubbling inside her.

The king smiled widely. "Haki Arleon, you will be marrying next month, I can assure you he is the best man for you and this kingdom."

The second marriage had been mentioned the girl felt the air get punched out of her. Her? Married off to someone she didn't know, it was scary. Of course she probably should have been prepared for something like this to happen someday as the princess of this kingdom, but she had been too involved in her own fairy tales to even allow herself to prepare for such an announcement. She went to speak but was interrupted by her brother.

"You have to be joking. Now? Isn't this too soon?" Makiri argued.

"Son, I have put this off for the past few years now, there is only a certain amount of time I can hold her marriage off for, the first meeting will be next week so just wait to meet them and see for yourself." The man spoke, turning his attention to his saddened daughter. "You will eventually understand."


The whole week was spent stuck in the castle preparing for the meeting with who would eventually be her husband. It made her feel depressed, the thought of running away with Izana was the only thing that occupied her mind. She felt like she was betraying him. She didn't have much of a choice but to meet the man and his family despite her brother's protests, she didn't want to disappoint her family and most importantly the entire kingdom.

"It's time sister." Her brother's soft voice came from beside her as they stood outside the throne room. She nodded and took a shaky breath.

The guards opened the door and the two walked in. However the guilt and sadness that had overwhelmed her suddenly dissipated once she saw the face of the man that her father had said she would be marrying. The king's voice was tuned out of her mind as she could only concentrate on the pretty face.

"Izana..?" Haki muttered with shocked eyes, watching as he walked closer and gently grabbed the back of her hand, kissing the skin softly and giving her a knowing look.

"It's me."

So this must have been what he meant during their last meeting in the cave, she was trying to wrap herself around if this was a dream or reality. The blonde haired, blue eyed male in front of her looked even more dashing out of the water. Haki smiled so widely her brother was surprised by the reaction having not known their past together. From behind Izana a long blonde haired woman with bright but sharp eyes, looking just as dashing as Izana, this must have been Queen Haruto. His mother.

"What do you think of my son Princess Haki?" The older woman asked.

She was almost distracted by Izana's eyes again but quickie answered. "I am happy with this arrangement, I am honoured your majesty, to marry your son." While the answer had surprised her brother and father, Izana had an amused glint in his eye as did Her Majesty Haruto.


The day of the wedding had arrived with many people coming to watch what would be an important time for both kingdoms. Haki stood anxiously in one of the castle's many rooms staring at herself in a mirror as countless maids tended to her. The white dress that flowed like that of their kingdom's traditional dress had a few layers added and pearls from the ocean attached. The soft veil secured to her head, adding to the beauty that the crown was already adding.

Soon enough it was time to leave and she was walking down the aisle in no time. So many people watching her made the girl more nervous, but one look past the bangs of her fiance at the altar and she felt more calm. Izana's blue eyes were her favourite to look at and looked even better up close. She felt lucky to witness the emotions that would flow through his eyes that most don't see. The love and care, the mischievous nature they would hold behind the mature persona.

Finally, no one else

Just the love of her life

Would be hers at last.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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