2. Hide and Seek

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My breath hitched and suddenly the air seemed to get thinker. 'Calm down, just have to survive 30 minutes of this. Not that long-' my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of gun shots, a scream and some running. 'Fuck. The seeker has a gun? People are already dying? the game barely started..' I didn't see the seeker yet, so I kept waiting patiently. A few minutes pass by with some more gun shots, pleading, I could also hear distant running and brush around me move. I looked to see and it was just some other players.

I see someone with a animal mask on and a gun in hand, reloading. 'the seeker.' I quickly glanced at my phone, 20:23 minutes remaining. I watch them intensely, the seeker looked around, a twig snapped at ground level and the seeker immediately turn to shoot. Then I heard someone else saying the person who had been shot name. 'Just leave him- wait why do I care? I don't, I just need to survive.' The other person got up to run but the seeker shot her as well, he didn't kill her the first time so the seeker had to shoot her a second time, this time making sure to kill her. Once the seeker got out of my sight I decided to stay in the tree since they hadn't seemed to notice me. 'Their sight must be limited due to the mask they're wearing.'

*Time skip to after the game*

I completed the first game and got a four of spades card along with a five day vise, meaning I had five day of not having to compete in another death game. There was only three other people not including myself when the game had been completed, 11 people killed in just 30 minutes..

I hastily made my way back the way we came in, picked my guns up and rode home on my bike. I was so tired and it was around four in the morning by the time I made it back to my house.
Once in my house I walked up stairs still in a daze from the previous events that had just happened, letting it replay in my mind. I placed my card I got from the game on my night stand, taking my shoes off, flopping on my bed pulling the covers over my body.  Wondering what I had done to deserve this, hoping to wake up any minute. I finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Hey Y/n." Hema spoke. We were at my home sitting on the couch together, I had known her since the training academy. Hm, I hum in response. "Why would you leave me?" she spoke in a non shallot voice. "W-what.." I say softly looking at her. All of the sudden, we're in a wearhouse. I can hear the time, on the bomb ticking, Hema is laying on the floor blood flowing out of an open wound on her upper abdomen and the person responsible running away, leaving us in the wearhouse. We had been chasing after this criminal for months, I couldn't let him get away. She looked at me with hatred and yelled this time, "Why would you leave me!?"

  I wake up covered in sweat and out of breath. I look to the window, I immediately look for the phone that I had been gotten from the game. FIVE MORE DAYS REMINDING ON YOUR VISA. I let out a sigh of relief.
I get up, still in the clothes I had put on multiple hours ago. Picking out another outfit I make my ways to my bathroom, looking in the mirror I finding bags under my eyes. looking away, I make my way to the shower turning on the water then going to take my clothes off.

I felt better after the shower and putting on clean clothes but I still couldn't shake the dream I had just had. In hopes of forgetting about it I decided to try and find out more about these games and what this living hell is. Putting my bulletproof vest and guns back on

 Putting my bulletproof vest and guns back on

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  Making my way to the city, it was only about a fifteen  minute walk

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  Making my way to the city, it was only about a fifteen  minute walk. I walk into the city and 'it looks like everyone just disappeared but that couldn't be, no one could just disappear.' my thought ends shortly after hearing my stomach growl. ' Oh yea, I haven't eaten in almost a day.' I walk into a convenient store to see all of the fruit and vegetables rotten, ' Huh? it's only been a day. Maybe time moves faster here, wherever here is..' I shake the thought and walk over to the snack section picking up multiple of f/s, f/d and some pocky sticks. I grab a bag to put them in and walk out, making my way to the music store. finding an old music player and picking out some CDs. Then moving to the side of the store that had all the instruments, I place down everything I had in my hand and walk over to a guitar, it was already in tune and I start to strum over the strings contemplating on what song I could play from memory. I decided to play f/song, humming the lyrics while playing.
  After I finish I decided to take the guitar and the other things I had picked up. Walking out of the music store finding the tallest building in sight and going to the top so I could see more. The sun was about to start setting by the time I make it to the top. I sit down taking the guitar off from my back and take out some pocky sticks and f/d watching the sun set. It was so peaceful, I almost forgot about everything else that had happened in the past 24 hours. I let out a breath, now sitting in the dark the moon being the only sources of light. Red marking, lights shooting straight up into the sky made me come back to reality. ' Those must be where all the games are at.'

  I stand and start making my way to the nearest game, ' What the hell am I doing? I still have four more days til my visa runs out.' My body seemed to move on it's own though.

(word count 1064)
sorry about this story starting out slow but next chapter will have Chishiya in it so don't worry

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