7. What a coincidence

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"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I heard a familiar voice boom, as the door to my room slammed open. I quickly sat up in the bed, my eyes wide open, as they landed on Kuina. I opened my mouth to say something, but just sat there closing my mouth. Not yet ready to speak or comprehend anything. Sitting there with my eyebrows slightly furrowed together. Realizing that she probably had no reason to have made such an entrance, other than just because. 'How'd she even know where my room is-' She grinned ear to ear, happy with her antics and my reaction.

I let out a deep breath, as I started pulling the white covers off my body as, Kuina shut the door and started to speak in her usual manner. "You would've slept all day if I hadn't, plus I wanna spend time with you, before I have to go on a suicide mission.". I got a pair of sweatpants, along with the bikini I had to wear. I spoke in a tired and somewhat audible manner. "That was my plan. What time is it?"
She took a seat on the unmade bed, looking around in awe. "A quarter past one. OH YEAH-"

   She quickly turned to me. I glanced at her with my tired eyes, waiting for her to continue, so I could take a shower. "There's ANOTHER new Executive, that joined this morning. I talked to him, seems like a good guy." She said. I hummed in acknowledgement. Though I had a feeling she didn't have a good sense for good or bad people, right off the back. She seemed like the type to trust everyone, until they gave her a reason not to. I spoke up, in the same manner I did previously, not being a 'morning' person. Even though it was already one in the afternoon. "Ima take a shower, I'll find you afterwards." She nodded and took her leave.

*Time skip after the showered*

   I decided to put on f/c jacket, instead of the sweatpants. Since I didn't want more people to know I'd been hurt in the last game, since it would make me an easy target. I zipped up the jacket, to my liking, before slipping on my y/c shoes. (y/c= your choice)

    I made my way to the lobby, I saw Kuina talking to the blonde guy, I kept for some reason, running into. I let out a sigh, 'Of course he was the one that joined this morning. Yeah no, I don't exactly trust him Kuina. Why do you gotta be so nice-' My thoughts interrupted by Kunia's voice. "This is the guy I was talking about, Y/n!" She continued. "This is Chishiya, Chishiya this is Y/n." I hummed, 'So we've finally got each others names.' He stuck out his hand to shake mine. I looked down at it for a moment, before trying to speak in my usual manner. "No, thanks.", 'Not much of a physical touch person. Plus I just really don't like, nor know you dude. No hard feelings.'. I turned to Kuina and spoke up again. "Ima grab a drink at the bar." She smiled wildly. "We'll join you, since 'you know who', has his eyes on you." She finished with a smirk, elbowing me playfully.

She then started walking, I mumbled under my breath. "Oh yeah, forgot." Both Chishiya and I followed behind the tall woman. We made our way to the bar, where I was the first to order. "I needa alc/oc.". The man gave a small nod and handed me the drink. Kuina ordered next, ordering a Piña Colada and to my surprise Chishiya also ordered, a Negroni. 'He seems like the type to like more fruity drinks.' I held back my laugh, by taking a sip of the beverage. 'But I wasn't expecting him to drink, at all, to be hon-'. My breath caught in my throat, feeling a pair of hands on my shoulders.

    I put my drink down, knowing immediately who it was, as his hot breath brushed my ear. I could smell alcohol on his breath as he started to talk. Before he could get a word out I elbowed his rib cage, as hard as I could, turning around quickly in the bar stool. My eyes landed on the man from yesterday, Niragi, hunched over, trying to regain himself, with the same gun on his back. He quickly looked up at me with an amused look on his face, that sent shivers down my spine. Warning signals going of in my head. I stood up and crossed my arms across my chest, regardless and spoke up, before he could even recover from the blow. I was glad, I at least one hit in that seemed unintentional, "Apologies. Maybe don't do that.". I spoke with a small smile and my usual tone. He spoke in his sadistic manner. "Oh, come on, you should've known it was me." He cooed, with his sick smile plastered on his face.

Risking it all (Chishiya x fem reader) Alice in boarderland Where stories live. Discover now