17. Needed You

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Aegon thought he was still dreaming when he woke with Vaera in his arms. This is heaven, Aegon thought happily as he savored the moment. 

Aegon was quite the opposite of Harwin, vaera had thought as she lay beside him. Aegon was thin and lanky. Harwin was tall and his muscles had muscles. Dark, scruffy harwin, to Aegon's not a hint of stubble and silver hair. 

"Nyra is going to dragonstone." Vaera remarked as she brushed out her hair. She caught Aegon's gaze in the mirror. "I'm going home." a sigh of relief filled him as he tied his laces. "I just need to say goodbye."

"Of course, I can make sure your children are on the ship and ready to go." Aegon offered.

"Thank you, Aegon." Vaera agreed as she headed out. 

''I've asked them to have wine ready for you on the ship. To help you sleep." Alicent remarked putting a blanket over Viserys he groaned in pain ''I'm so sorry. Viserys...'

''We will speak no more of it.' Viserys hissed. "Where is my Vaera? Is she here?'

"I don't know." Alicent spat. "I'm sure she will make her presence known."

"Daemon!" Vaera declared. 

"All taken care of love." Daemon agreed pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

"Thank you, uncle Daemon." Vaera whispered hugging him tight. "I will see you all soon I hope." vaera remarked as she hugged Jace and Luke.

"You are not coming?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"My babies lost their father." Vaera reminded her. "I dont want to run away from mine." Rhaenyra nodded in understanding. "Aegon, Aemond and Helaena they... well they never stood a chance. Father is fading and Alicent is no mother. I can't leave them to fend for themselves."

"What about me? What about us?" Rhaenyra countered. "What about everything we've been through?"

"You know I never wanted to hurt you." Vaera remarked. "But I have to go home. I can't run away." Vaera  whimpered hugging her sister. "We will raven and fly all the time." Vaera assured. "But first..." Vaera held to Luke's hand. "Can you walk with me handsome?" Luke nodded following her. "I know you did not want to hurt Aemond as you did." Vaera offered. 

"He was scaring us.' Luke informed her. "I just wanted him to stop yelling... I didnt mean to... I wouldnt... I'm so sorry."

"Could you tell Aemond that?" Vaera requested. Luke nodded nervously as he moved to Aemond. 

" Aemond..." Luke said hesitantly. Aemond glared back at him. "I know I cant fix what I did but I am truly sorry." Luke declared. "I swear I didnt mean to... I... I'm really sorry." Aemond stared back at him before noticing Vaera. 

"Thank you nephew." Aemond offered before heading onto the ship. Luke looked back to Vaera. 

"I'm so proud of you my sweet boy." Vaera declared kissing his forehead. "I will see you soon my love." Luke nodded as he headed back to Rhaenyra. 


''Fire is such strange power. Everything that House Targaryen possesses is owed to it. Yet it has cost us both what we loved. Perhaps the Velaryons knew the truth of it.'' Rhaenyra remarked as her father sailed home.

''The sea is the better ally. Fire is a prison. The sea offers an escape.''

''A perversion of justice. The young prince... defiled. An outrage." Larys remarked limping up to Alicent

''Indeed.'' Alicent agreed softly

''If it's an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant.'' Larys offered

''That will not be necessary. But your devotion has not gone unnoticed. These are dangerous times. The day will doubtless come when I require such a friend.'' Alicent told him softly. ''With not only skill but discretion as well.''

''I shall await your call, my Queen.''

''I need you, Uncle.'' Rhaenyra told him as he leaned back against the stone wall. ''We cannot face the greens alone let us find our blood just as aegon the conqueror did with his sisters with you as my husband and prince consort my claim would not be so easily challenged the valeryan's are of the sea but you and I we are made of fire we have always been meant to burn together.' Rhaenyra declared.

'' We could not marry unless Laenor were dead.'' Daemon reminded her

''I know.''


''I've heard about your exploits in the Step stones, Ser Qarl. Said to be a knight of remarkable skill.'' Daemon remarked.

''You flatter me, m'lord.''

''But alas, common-born. You're a landless knight with a lord's taste.'' Daemon told him, hood pulled up high over his head.

''Ser Laenor's been kind to me.''

''Do you know... there are places across the Narrow Sea... where it doesn't matter what a man's name is? Only how much gold he possesses.' Daemon told him vaguely.

''What are you asking of me, m'lord?''

''A quick death. One with witnesses.'' Qarl scoffed but Daemon put a pouch of coin in his hand.

''I will not be a tyrant. And rule through terror.'' Rhaenyra assured.

''A tyrant rules only through terror.'' Daemon agreed ''If the King isn't feared, he is powerless. If you are to be a strong queen, you must cultivate love and respect, yes, but your subjects must fear you.''


'' Who let you in here? Why are you in my father's hall?'' Laenor asked when he came upon Qarl.

''You have always looked down on me.'' Qarl remarked drawing his blade.

'I do love Laenor.'' Rhaenyra told daemon softly.

''Then grant him this kindness. Set him free.'' Daemon told her confidently.

''You forget yourself.'' Laenor spat facing off against him.

''My lord. Please!'' his squire cried out but Laenor pushed him back. ''I'll alert the guards!'' he declared scurrying off.

'' This will cost Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys their only remaining child. And the realm will whisper that I was somehow responsible.'' Rhaenyra remarked.

''Let them whisper.'' Daemon corrected. 

''No!" Rhaenys declared as a body burnt beyond recognition but Laenors necklace adorned around his neck. It was her son, no doubt in her mind, she dropped before him.

''How did you let this happen? In my fսcking hall? Tell me!'' Corlys shouted

''We will know the truth of it and our enemies won't.'' Daemon said smugly.

''They will fear what else we might be capable of. ''

Laenor sails off into the night, head shaved but free of all duties. As Rhaenyra married Daemon. New love in an old flame.

"There is my sweet girl." Viserys declared fondly as Vaera sat on the edge of his bed on the ship. 

"Kids are all tucked away, still tired from last night." Vaera remarked. 

"You didnt leave with Rhaenyra." Viserys remarked. 

"No... Tyon was found dead... and after everything my children losing their father... I needed my daddy."

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