Chapter 8 - Dad?!

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Hello, there I just want to let you know that my writing style is changed because I read some of my previous books and drafts and almost died from the cringyness, anyways have fun reading!

Izuku pov

It's been a few days since Mister Aizawa explained some stuff. And honestly, all I ask is why me, seriously tho why? I was pretty sure I was born with some normal people with a slightly abnormal mother, I went to school, got bullied, and abused, dad is somewhere in America but he still does contact me from time to time. 

Well sure I am weird but I think my weirdness doesn't preach the boundaries of human weirdness.

I'm walking to school right now, the whole thing about the mystery singer or whatnot has died down, kinda sad that I'm not getting indirect praises anymore, but at least the classroom got somewhat quieter. I pass by a store whos playing some music using a radio, and that reminds me about wanting to be an Idol...

Talk about irony.

A boy mistreated by the world, the boy whos supposed to be traumatized by the people and society and stuff wanting to be an Idol for some god-know-why-reasons. Plus I don't care anymore, I kind of just accepted society being shitty, like what the hell can a quirkless boy do?-Oh wait never mind I forgot I'm not quirkless, but technically I am.

I tried to use this weird power a few days ago and it's just not cut out for me. I seriously do not understand this power, I wanted to ask more about it to Mister Aizawa but it's sorta embarrassing knowing that he's probably out there fighting some ungodly entities who are out there to kill me and I'm still here troubled about this power I'm not even able to control. 

I sigh as I reach the gates of the school, breathing another heavy sigh of teen depression. I walk in and start this day.

- after school - 

Hello, it's your favorite moody teen here, and guess what? Kacchan was nice enough to send me home with some 'friendly' punches here and there but what got me the most is the very red and obvious 'tease punch' in my left cheek. All I know is that I look horrible, I don't even need to look in the mirror to know how horrid I must look. But anyways, getting the usual uncomfy stares on the way back home, I got inside, treat my bruises with some homemade medicine, and I was off to bed. I was having my peaceful dozing-off moment until this horrid ringing rang me awake.

Who the hell is calling our household, no one but the government and dad knows our numb--DAD.

Wait! Why is dad calling? It's not even holidays yet-*RINGG RINGG* Oh right-

I picked up the telephone and answered with a shaky voice "Uhm... Hello? Da-" 


"Oh, uhh, well I am home. What seems to be the problem, why'd you call so early in the year? Is something wrong? Are you on your deathbed?!"

 "What?! No no no no  I just wanted to check up on you guys! How is Inko doing? Oh, how I miss her voice too bad shes not home yet."

Right... Inko hasn't shown her true colors yet, She's been putting up an act whenever we were on a call with dad. And I was too afraid to say anything...

"Oh, uhm she's doing great dad!.." Then a sudden rise up my throat caused me to choke, on air.

"Izuku? Izuku? Are you alright? Hello? Izuku?!"  After a few moments, the coughing stopped, and I heard heavy stomping nearing me as I struggle to catch my breath and open my watery eyes.

"Hizashi? Hizashi you-" "Huh? Who is this?? Izuku are you alright?!"  Mister Aizawa crouched down to help me up and sit on a chair and brought me a glass of water while muttering a series of curses and death threats, then he stretched the phone cord using the wind to lift it up and put it on the table of the telephone. With one big breath, he yelled "I CAME AS FAST AS I HEARD ANOTHER ONE OF THE ROYAL ASSHAT VOICES. YOU MOTHER FUCKER OF A FATHER DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU JUST DID TO YOUR OWN SON'S LIFE?!" 

"Wait... Hold on, are you--Aizawa?"

"Sigh. Are you-- are you seriously asking me that fucking question right now." "OH! AIZAWA! Wow, it's been ages! How have you been?" 

"Wait sorry hold on, dad you know Mister Aizawa!?" I spoke gently dramatically dropping the now emptied glass of water on a cushion while turning around to see the two--or one.

"How have I been? Well, Hisashi let me turn that question around for you." Mister Aizawa said bending down to get closer to the microphone of the telephone, the voice in a deep husky growl, eyes glowing dangerously red while twitching, with hands, clutched while having them across his chest ready to choke someone on the scene, unluckily for me I was the only one in the scene, pray for me.

"How have you been... After marrying some wretched bitch, putting your son's soul on the vessel body you and the woman made... Do you have ANY idea how much of a burden you just strained on him? Being blinded by 'love' you abandoned your first wife and son who lives in a clearly severe judgemental society, so judgemental your son is practically insane for thinking he deserves that treatment. You probably didn't even research this place and just went and wed yourself here and abruptly left your son for the excuse of 'continuing heroism'... You see Hizashi, being a hero is saving people yes, but if you couldn't save your goddamn son from this hellhole, then how the fuck do you think you could have saved our god-forsaken realm?"




It was quiet, deafeningly quiet. Mister Aizawa looked dark in contrast to his glowing eyes, and dad on the phone went quiet. I couldn't speak a word in this suffocating atmosphere, rare because I could always come up with some stupid comeback in my mind, but for some reason, I couldn't...

Mister Aizawa stood back up slowly, with the glowing in his eyes dying down, a visible glistening in his eyes appeared. Looks like he's been wanting to blow off some steam, but couldn't. He quickly wiped his eyes and turned his back on me, after a few moments someone finally spoke up.

"Uhm... Aizawa, that's exactly why I came to call Izuku so suddenly. I got informed of my son's awakening and waited for a few days for him to get used to it and I decided I'd give him a call... Why? Well, you said exactly why... It's because I want to make things right for me Inko and him, but now that you're saying some questionable stuff about Inko... Then I'm guessing Inko has been mistreating him... But! Let's talk about that later... Izuku, I hope you're listening. I called because I want to ask you something important. It's all up to you and I will respect your choices, but Izuku, do you want to come with me to America?"

Hello, I'm screaming right now, we're off to phase two of the story! Cue the confetti!! 
Are you excited? Because I'm not knowing I have to mentally and physically torture myself to live up to you and my expectations...(just kidding) Anyways are you ready for more words? (no) Ok! See you next year(JUST KIDDING AGIANDIFH) 

But srsly I don't know when I'll update again, thank you for reading have a great day! <3

(!!I updated the chapter because I confused Hisashi with Hizashi, Aizawa wasn't talking about mic here. Sorry for the misunderstanding!)

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