13. missing girl

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Rick shortly returned, but without Sophia which sent Carol into more hysterics. He took Daryl, Glenn and Shane back out to search for Sophia. Katherine's heart clenched, she could only imagine how scared Sophia must be. Out there, alone, no way of defending herself. Katherine only hopes the men can find her and bring her back safely.

Harlow had stopped crying, the panic of seeing the walkers be nearby leaving her. She told her sister she hid under the same car as Rick, next to the one Carl and Sophia were under. Harlow said Rick helped her keep calm the entire time, ensuring she was okay as long as she stayed quiet. Katherine was grateful for Rick Grimes. She was thankful that someone was there for Harlow when she was not.

Shane and Glenn soon returned to the highway, and Shane took charge like he used, back before Rick came to camp. Katherine didn't like Shane, she reckons he was too bossy and only cared for himself, Lori and Carl. Whereas Rick, he cared for everyone at camp, that's what made him the better leader.

At least that's what Katherine thinks.

Carol still stood, looking out towards the wood where her daughter disappeared, just waiting for her return. Katherine took babysitter roll again, looking out for Carl and Harlow as the three looked into nearby cars, while the adults moved some to make space for the RV.

Both were still worried about Sophia, she was their friend, and they, along with the rest of camp, were worried about her. A young girl alone in this world usually won't end up good. So, Katherine, though worried about Sophia herself, kept Harlow and Carl's spirits high.

"Is Sophia gonna be alright?" Harlow questioned her older sister, Carl looked at her too, waiting for an answer.

"Daryl and Rick are looking right now. They'll find her. She can't be far" Katherine assured the two young kids.

She felt bad for them, going from a normal life, going to school, video games, playing with friends on the week and in summer, to this life, surviving the dead.

"Are we going to be okay?" she questioned.

Katherine put a smile on her face, "We're gonna be fine, all of us"

"Hey Kat, check this out," Carl called out to her.

She looked to where he went to, a nearby car, where a walker sat strapped to the seat still, next to him, was a bag. "You wanna get it?" Katherine asked him.

"Can I?" he asked, a smile rising.

Katherine returned it, "Yeah, he seems dead dead" she noted.

Carl nodded and pulled the door open, climbing up and attempted to pull the bag off, but when the walker falls forward, Carl lets out a girly shriek and falls back, Katherine pulls her new knife from her belt, ready to defined the two kids, but she relaxes when she sees the walker not move.

"Woah, where did you get that?" Harlow questioned, looking at the hunter's knife in her sister's grasp.

"Found it" Katherine twirled it through her fingers, "Cool right?"

"Awesome," Harlow commented.

Katherine pulled her old knife from her pocket and gave it to Harlow, she looked up at her sister confused. "What?" she asked.

"Take it. You need to learn to defend yourself if I'm not nearby to do it" Katherine replied.

Harlow frowned, "I don't know how to use it"

"I'll teach you" Katherine smiled, wrapping an arm around her sister as the two walked back to the group, Carl having already left as soon as he got the bag.

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