33. Surronded

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Happy 'late' Holidays! and Happy New Year! Sorry for the delay holidays and end of the semester madness got to me but I'm back. Enjoy!

~(Paul's Pov)~

We were by the river semi-obscured byt the tree, just standing there in silence. It was awkward but something told me it wouldn't be better if we talked either.

"So you're one of those shifters too right?" Percy asked out of the blue.

"I am" He wasn't suppose to know that but Aurora like all the other Half-bloods didn't seem to care for rules. 

He turned to look at me and again it hit me how dangerous everyone was here. The air felt different like it was charged, I had to suppress the urge to shift. 

He took a step towards me " You know Arie is my sister"

I felt like someone was watching me from the trees but I couldn't see anything  This forest was different from Lapush. It was quieter but it felt alive, it wasn't like home at all. 

" My little sister, not by much but still. We're family" He kept getting closer, the shadows behind him bended in almost suffocatingly.

"And you see I'm very protective of my family" He had stopped moving and was standing in front of me. I could hear the river behind him speed up but it was too dark now to see it. The air felt dangerous now like it was going to explode. It didn't just fell like someone was watching me it felt like someone was studying me.

"If anyone hurts my family not even the Gods could save them" Percy said and everything stopped. It didn't go back to normal it just froze like it was stuck in time. Even if I shifted without the pack I wouldn't stand a chance.

"Paul! Percy!" Aurora suddenly ran up  "there you are. What are you doing the game ended already?" The moment Aurora was there everything went back like none of it had happened in the first place.

"We were just talking" Percy smiled and went up to her "had to make sure he knew what he was getting into. Hope I didn't scare him off" 

They both looked at me when I didn't answer.

I laughed. "Not at all"

Short and sweet? Possibly depending on how you look at it maybe. (382 words)

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