Chapter 4

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(n.) the irrational fear of trusting others or feeling vulnerable in a relationship with others

Nickel was getting tired of waking up to a headache. The events of the past day were still murky, and Nickel didn't bother to try to remember. He simply let the fuzzy memories slip away like a bad dream. 

He shook his head, which only sent a lancing pain to his head. 


Nickel jolted up, trying to force himself awake. He took a deep breath, inhaling the chilling air, letting it burn his lungs. 

He could've sworn it was summer. 

Nickel gently pushed the blankets off him, swivelling around and letting his feet rest on the ground

A pang of hunger hit him in the gut, making him draw a sharp breath. Nickel sighed, slowly pulling himself up from the bed. 

He made his way toward the door, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. His hand hovered over the doorknob for a moment, before it suddenly swung open.

Nickel staggered backwards, falling backwards into a medicine cupboard. 

To Nickel's relief, and some insane luck, the medicine cupboard stayed stuck to the wall, not a single item spilled. 

Paper stared at the frazzled boy, eyes wide, displaying their blue hue in full. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" He sputtered, rushing over and offering him a hand. 

Nickel ignored the help, pulling himself up and walking over to the door. Paper hurried after him.

"Test tube sent me to check up on you, see if you're 'going to cooperate now'" He explained, moving to block the doorway. "She said she didn't have the patience to ask herself."

"Cooperate with...?" 

"Making sure you aren't dying from internal bleeding." Paper shifted his weight from foot to foot

"I'm not."

"We have to check though– just in case."

"I'll be fine, I'm not dead yet, so I think I'm good." Nickel reasoned, crossing his arms. 

"If you don't want to be touched, that's ok, we can just go through some questions to check." Paper continued, giving no notice to his protests. 

"You're not a doctor." 

"I have first aid training."

"Oh." He paused. "Ok then."  Nickel mumbled, sitting back down on the bed. 

"Thank you." Paper sighed and followed suit, his eyes kind. "Now, have you had a headache lately?"

"A bit, but it went away yesterday."

"Alright, that's good." He smiled. " What about nausea, vomiting?"

"I feel nauseous, but that's just because I didn't eat."

"Ok- well as long as you're alright, you can go eat breakfast with the others." Paper replied with strained optimism. 

"Others?" Nickel inquired, fidgeting with the rough blanket. "Like Baseball and Test tube?"

"Yeah, and the other..." He trailed off, counting on his fingers. "Anyways, not important right now. Are you dizzy?"

"No, I feel fine." 

"Do you feel lethargic?"


"Tired, like you lost all your energy." Paper explained, giving him an apologetic grin.

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