Chapter 8

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(n.) a morbid fear of being egotistical, or dread of being alone, isolated, ignored or unloved.

"Wh- you're kidding!" Paper cried, picking up copious amounts of cards. OJ snickered from beside him.

"Don't laugh at my suffering." He sighed, still picking up cards. "FINALLY! A BLUE!"

OJ's snickers devolved into giggles as Paper placed down his card on the pile. OJ slapped an uno reverse on top of it.

"I- why is everyone ganging up on me today??" He exclaimed, begrudgingly picking up more cards while OJ and a few of the others laughed at the ridiculous amount of cards he had.

Baseball stared down at his cards, then at the empty seat beside him.

"I am this close to just forfeiting." Paper placed another blue card down.

"Wha- no, you gotta keep going! Where else are we supposed to get entertainment?" Fan replied, tapping away on his phone.

"I need to get one of those phone jails for games night." OJ chuckled.

"Please don't, I will riot." Fan looked up at him.

"Heh, yeah. You'd have to lock up Fan with it." Baseball quipped, but was only met with worried looks from a few others around the table.

Nevermind. He should just shut his mouth.

Jokes weren't his thing anyways

They were...


Trophy slammed down a card with full dramatics. Tissues gave him an odd look.

"Trophy, that's just a normal card." He sniffled.

"So? I can be cool playing all my cards."

"Cool? Uh huh, is that what you call it?" Knife rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Why should I?"

Then, the stairs began to creak. The room went radio silent as all eyes turned to a figure at the top of the staircase.


He stood there, frozen under everyone's stares like a deer in headlights.

Nickel, who had been avoiding everyone.

Nickel, who had been avoiding him.

Nickel, who had been constantly arguing with him.

Nickel, who was an echo of the person he needed him to be.

Who he wanted him to be.

Nickel, who was...

Test tube was the one to break the silence, though the tense atmosphere still hung over the room. "Nickel, I thought you said you didn't want to join games night?"

"Well I changed my mind." Nickel replied, his voice hoarse.

"Okay...?" She sighed, gesturing to the empty seat beside Baseball. "Come sit down then, you can join in the next round."

Nickel didn't respond, nor move from the top of the stairs. Test tube tried again, her voice softening. "You can sit next to Baseball, I promise he doesn't bite."

"I don't!" He blurted, looking hopefully at Nickel.

Nickel stared at the two, before sighing walking down the stairs. He hesitated for a moment, then slumped down in the empty chair.

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