Chapter 7

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(v.) to leave abruptly and/or without goodbyes.

Nickel took a deep breath, sitting back down on the infirmary bed, illuminated by the beginnings of a sunset seeping from the window. His last conversation with Baseball had been spinning around his head for the past few days, he couldn't help but ruminate over it.

"Ok, now please cooperate this time. I'm not sure I can handle another stunt like last time." Test tube sighed, rummaging through a few of the cabinets.

"Do I have to have another check-up though?" Nickel argued, leaning backward and squinting his eyes at the light that hit his eyes. "We already established I'm not internally bleeding."

"Yes, Nickel, we do. For health and safety reasons, I have to check up on you at least a few more times." She replied, rolling her eyes when met with a groan.

"What thrilling news." He scoffed, crossing his arms. "Exactly what I wanted to hear."

"I can't always tell you what you want to hear."

"Don't I know that." Nickel muttered.

"You being difficult will just make it more annoying and tedious for the both of us."

"Buuuut, it saves me from getting a medical exam."

"What's so bad about a medical exam??" Test tube shoots back, heaving a box of medical supplies out from a cabinet under the sink.

"I'll... get in trouble." He admitted, pulling his knees to his chest.

"For what? Unhealthy eating habits? I'm not a dentist." She laughed,

"Sure. Let's go with that."

She raises an eyebrow, turning to face Nickel. "You're not very good at lying, you know that?"

"I'm not lying, that's probably a concern too." He continues, trying to shake off the deja vu he was hit in the face with. Test tube sighs, turning back to the box of medical supplies.

"Whatever, let's just get it over with so we're not late for games night."

"Games night?"

"Yeah, OJ runs one every week for... 'team bonding.' I'm pretty sure he means just generalised bonding though." She vaguely gestures at him.

"Can he not just call it bonding then?" Nickel retorts, resting his chin on his knees.

"I think it's the best way to get the other's attention. Especially the season 1 competitors, they're still very... affected by it."

"Geez. Glad I don't have to deal with that then."

"Mhm. Speaking of which, I also want to check your cognitive ability, and see if you remember anything new."

"I can think just fine, thank you very much."

"Still worth checking." She replied, turning to face him, clipboard and pen in hand. "First question-"

"Oh goodie, more questions and thermometers shoved down my throat."

"You're absolutely insufferable, you know that, right?" She snapped, shooting him an exasperated look.

Nickel laughed a slow, bitter laugh. "Obviously."

"Listen, just– answer these questions and let me check the wound, and I'll let you go straight after." She offered, locking eyes with him.

"Fine." He gave in, glaring at Test tube.

"Finally! Thank you!" She flung her arms up in the air. "How easy was that??"

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