Question and Answer

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1. Edward de Bono designed a system which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking commonly called as the ______.
A. Six Thinking Hats
B. Seven Thinking Hats
C. Huddle System
D. Philips 66

Answer: A. Six Thinking Hats is a system designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats. It provides a means for groups to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so to think together more effectively. The premise of the method is that the human brain thinks in a number of distinct ways which can be deliberately challenged, and hence planned for use in a structured way allowing one to develop tactics for thinking about particular issues. De Bono identifies six distinct directions in which the brain can be challenged. In each of these directions the brain will identify and bring into conscious thought certain aspects of issues being considered.

2. According to Edward de Bono, which of the six thinking hats focuses on creativity, possibilities, alternatives and new ideas?
A. Red Hat                                                     
B. White Hat                      
C. Blue Hat                             
D. Green Hat   

Answer: D. Green Hat.

Managing (Blue) – what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? Can look at the big picture.
Information (White) – considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
Emotions (Red) – intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification)
Discernment (Black) – logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative. Practical, realistic.
Optimistic response (Yellow) – logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony. Sees the brighter, sunny side of situations.
Creativity (Green) – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes. Thinks creatively, out of the box.

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