Flagship vs Flagship (1941)

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Kriegsmarine had been waiting for this day for months. He stood on the deck of the dockyard, his eyes fixed on the huge gray battleship that was being prepared for launch. The ship was the Bismarck, one of the most powerful warships ever built. It was the pride of the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine.

As the crew worked tirelessly to prepare the ship, Kriegsmarine felt a sense of pride and excitement swelling inside him. He had overseen the design and construction of the Bismarck, and he knew that it was a truly formidable vessel. With its massive guns, thick armor plating, and state-of-the-art engines, the Bismarck was designed to dominate the seas.

Finally, the moment arrived. The ship was ready to be launched. The crowd gathered on the dockyard cheered as the massive ship began to move slowly towards the water.

As the ship approached the water's edge, the crew began to chant and cheer, their voices rising to a crescendo. "Bismarck! Bismarck! Bismarck!" they shouted, their enthusiasm infectious.

And then, it happened. With a deafening roar, the Bismarck plunged into the water, sending a massive wave crashing against the shore. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Kriegsmarine felt a surge of pride and excitement. He knew that the Bismarck was destined for greatness, but he also knew that Bismarck would be targetted if he was at war.

"Isn't this ship a beauty, Admiral?" A fellow officer standing next to him remarked, awestruck.

"He certainly is," Kriegsmarine replied, his voice filled with pride. "He's a true masterpiece."

As the ship was towed into the harbor, the crew worked feverishly to prepare it for its maiden voyage. Kriegsmarine watched with pride as his sailors went about their work, confident in their ability to make the Bismarck a force to be reckoned with. He knew that the ship would face many challenges in the coming months, but he was confident that Bismarck and her crew were up to the task.




As Bismarck started to depart from Gotenhafen and heading towards the Danish Straits, Kriegsmarine informed the crews of their mission via loudspeaker, and reminded them who/what they were fighting for.

The Luftwaffe provided air cover during the voyage of the German ships. Unbeknownst to them however, above the sky, a group of Swedish reconnaissance was flying around that area, secretly spying.

Flygvapnet, -The Swedish Air Force- Put on a smile as he realized the Germans were unaware of his presence. He quickly flew back to Sweden to inform him before the Germans noticed him.

An hour later, the German flotilla encountered a Swedish Cruiser, HSwMS Gotland. Kriegsmarine went to the deck and narrowed his ocean blue eyes. 'Now's not the time for this..' He thought.

A Swedish personification appeared and walked to the deck just like he did. It was of course the Svenska Marinen -Swedish Navy-. He put on a cold glare and a knowing smirk that basically says "Got you" Kriegsmarine backed away a step. And then Svenska Marinen was already going back to the bridge with a wink.

Svenska Marinen sent a radio transmit to the Swedish Naval Base."Two large ships, three destroyers, five escort vessels, and 10-12 aircraft passed Marstrand, course 205°/20" He wrote.

The report made its way to Konungariket Sverige —Kingdom of Sweden—, who then told Britain, who was having dinner at a restaurant.

As Britain was waiting for his food to arrive, one of the waiters approached him hastily and spoke, "Sir, you've recieved a call from a Swedish Naval Attache."

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