Chapter 5

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I sat there, contemplating life. I had watched someone die.


That noise, I'd never heard it before. It seemed to be coming from my visor though.

Exelio A43Delta is to return to the ESMIRE star-system at the assigned coordinates. Escorts will meet you there.

"This better be quick." I mumbled to myself. It wasn't..... at all.

I packed the necessary things, like the nuclear power generator, all that stuff, then boarded my ship. That wonderful piece of technology that I'd only used once so far. I clambered into the cockpit, did all the pre-flight checks and took off.

A few days later.


"Damn it."

Exelio A43Delta is to return to the ESMIRE star-system at the assigned coordinates. Escorts will meet you there.

"Oh, just shut up with your messages will you?" I groaned. "The fact that you're in a totally different galaxy cluster doesn't help."

I'd received those messages twice a day. I drifted towards the console, naturally, ETA was 2 days.

"I'll be there in 2 days. Get it?"

Suddenly warning lights started flashing on the console. Hull breach. I put on my breathing EPP* and slid the breathing mask over my visor. I grabbed some scrap metal and some tools and went looking for the airlock. The ship automatically stops FTL when there's maintenance that has to be seen to immediately. Having found the airlock, I climbed out of the ship. I attached my carabiner** to one of the rails and worked my way to the hull breach.

When I got there, I found a small piece of meteor rock had punctured the ship's hull. I pulled it out, put a piece of scrap metal in its place and screwed it down. I looked around to get a general idea of where I was. I was passing a space station with several humanoid creatures with four arms, they were wearing creator armor. They stared at me... grimly.


*An Environmental Protection Pack that allows people to breathe in airless environments.

**A coupling link with a safety closure, used by rock climbers.

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