14.) Father to Father

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Honey paced around her apartment, her stomach fluttering, her heart beating fast when her parents came in together.

"You alright, Honey?" Lovey asked, closing the door.

"I think I'm pregnant," she said, smiling, holding her stomach. She went and took her mother's hand, squeezing in excitement. "I can't wait to tell Tristan," she said dreamily. "I have a test."

"Well, why you ain't took it yet?" Ross wondered.

Honey frowned then. "I'm scared I might not be," she admitted. That was the thing holding her back, that she might see a negative.

"Well, you need to find out, sweetheart. If you are, you can tell Trap. If not, then I guess you can try. And if you are, you need to start seeing a doctor."

Honey nodded and picked the paper bag up from her coffee table. She took the EPT to her bathroom, and when she came out of the bathroom, she was singing.

"Ima be a mom, y'all!" she said excitedly, jumping up and down. She jumped on her daddy. "Ima have a baby. Oh, I hope it's a little boy. I hope he look just like his daddy, too."

Her parents laughed a little at her excitement. "Congratulations, baby," Lovey said, kissing her cheek.

Although Honey and Tristan had only been together six weeks, she believed in them. She believed he would be her husband and he would always be there for her.

"Oh, God..." Honey stopped, remembering some pretty reckless behavior recently.

"What's wrong?" Ross asked.

"I got so high the other night!" Honey said, panic stricken, pacing in anxiety now. "Me, Trap, Bri, and Desmond was all here and we got blowed like wasn't no tomorrow! I had a few drinks."

"Look, sweetheart. Just calm down. Now you know, so quit smoking and drinking and see a doctor to get some prenatal care. Immediately. Don't feel guilty about it. That won't do you no good. Women have done worse, aware of a new life inside them. Relax. Stress ain't good," Lovey told her gently.

Honey nodded and called her gynecologist. She made an appointment to get checked and confirm the pregnancy.

She hadn't had any symptoms until recently, but she blew them off as PMS... Until her menstrual didn't come. Come to think of it, her last period was light.

"I think this happened my first time," she mused aloud.

"Your first time when?" Lovey wondered.

"When I lost my virginity six weeks ago," she explained. "Hey, y'all don't get busy on my furniture. I'm going to the gynecologist now. Daddy, stay ya hungry ass out my kitchen."

She picked her purse up and left in a rush. When she got to the doctor's office, she got a sonogram, only to find there was no heartbeat and that was miscarrying.

She would have loved to take that news to Tristan for Father's Day the next day, that he would be getting another little him running around.

As she drove back home, a little disappointed clouded her mind. She considered every possible reason she started to miscarry. She had been drinking only three days later at her father's birthday party and fighting ten days later with Passion.

She made the decision right then that she wanted to plan her first child and know what she was doing, and she wanted to wait until she was married to do so.

When she got home, her parents were on her sofa, watching TV, and she told them her news and the conclusion she drew in the car. Lovey got up and hugged her. She knew how disappointed Honey was, just by how excited she was at the prospect.

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