Chapter 51 brooke talk to hope about Tommy funeral

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So my oc Brooke talked to hope after school about Tommy's funeral and Brooke said all the rangers team know Tommy because he help with the final battle in the legendary war and he knew even hope also He went to your parent's funeral he was there on the behalf of the original team aka mighty Morphin power rangers and so want us to be there at his funeral hope.
Okay I will be there because he was there at my parent's funeral thank you, Brooke, said hope
You're welcome hope and see you this weekend at the funeral said Brooke
After Brooke left mia came in with jayden
Hey mia and jayden and I will be at Tommy's funeral with you guys said hope
I'm glad to hear that hope said jayden and mia
Yup and also rita attack troy today at school said the hope
I remember seeing troy go down today at school said jayden
But GIA and others took troy to the hospital said mia
Also then mia text Gia if troy is okay.
Gia text mia Yup the doctor said troy is okay but it was close
Mia said troy is okay
Awesome said jayden and hope
I am glad that my brother is okay said hope

End of chapter 51

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