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1st Save Point. Time: 201X, 02:00. 0:00 hours.

"Hey, Frisk? Are you awake?" My mom shook me awake. "I know it's the middle of the night, but it's urgent..."

"Ugh...I am now," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm afraid not...your father is starting to feel worse again," my mom said, causing me to shoot awake. I don't like getting woken up at random points of the night, but if it's anything regarding my parents, it's more than enough motivation to make me start moving.

"Did something happen? Is he taking the medicine the doctors gave him?" I asked, to which my mom nodded. I couldn't see her face well, but I could imagine it as solemn.

A feeling of dread washed over me as I realized why I was woken up. "Does that mean I..." I started, but my mom shushed me.

"...yes. I'm so sorry. I know that mountain is dangerous. I wouldn't have you climb it if it could be avoided, but..." she started to plead. "Please, Frisk, if anyone can do it, it's you. You're more determined than all of us. You'll make it back in one piece, I promise..."

At first, I was hesitant. I look at that mountain and see how it looks over my house every day before going to school. It was always so intimidating to me. However, my mom caught me with that one word: Determined. Or determination, in this case.

After a few moments of silence, I agreed to do it. "I'll climb Mount Ebbott," I spoke firmly. "I'll do it for Dad."

Mom began to cry, albeit softly. "Thank you so much, dear. I know it's a daunting task..." she spoke, her voice trembling. "I have some gear for you to take."

My mom helped me with putting on boots and other mountain-climbing gear. As I walked out of the door, my mom called, "For the future of our family, Frisk...! You have to stay determined!"

I continued to walk, but I kept those words in the back of my mind. Determination has been something that's always kept me going, from minor things like projects, to major things like helping my family.

2nd Save Point. Time: 201X, 02:28. 0:28 hours.

Here I am. At the foot of Mount Ebbott. I've never climbed this mountain, nor heard of others climbing it before. This is due to the fact that those who have climbed Mount Ebbott, whether it be out of curiosity, stupidity, or whatever, have never come back. But I wasn't about to join them.

I pat my hands on my cheeks and began to climb the mountain. It seemed as if the mountain goes in an upwards spiral around the perimeter. "This doesn't seem that bad," I thought to myself. However, as I traversed higher and higher, I'd realize that I'd soon eat those words.

The walking space slowly became more narrow. There were loose edges all around, which could have made me lose my step if I wasn't paying attention. The wind was starting to pick up. However, I kept pushing. I had already gone so far; I wasn't about to give up now.

After around an hour total of climbing, I finally made it to the top. The peak of Mount Ebbott contained what I was looking for: Ebbott Vines. These vines could be ground up and mixed in with tea and could remedy certain diseases, particularly the one my Dad was fighting off. The unfortunate part is that Mount Ebbott has a big hole in the center of the summit area, making it a dangerous spot to convene at. I carefully walked over to one of the longer vines and began to cut off a piece using the dagger my mom left me.

Unfortunately, this is where things went South.

The wind picked up drastically, which was out of the blue considering how calm it was a moment ago. I grabbed onto the side of the wall to try and keep my footing. "Where on earth did this wind come from!?" I thought to myself. "Is this a sign to leave?!"

The wind kept increasing in intensity. Maybe this is why everyone who fell down Mount Ebbott has never returned...

"Alright, I'll...I'll leave! Please, just stop the wind!" I called out into the darkness. However, my pleas were useless. I realized I'm just going to have to risk it if I want to make it out alive.

I made a run for the peak's exit, and it was looking well until...

...I had stepped barely too close to the cliffside where the hole was. The ground broke beneath me and I began to plummet into Mount Ebbott's cave. The drop did not last for long, but as soon as I had hit the ground, I passed out from the force of the landing.

I had Fallen Down.

Progress Saved.

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