The Ruins, Part 1

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Time: 201X, ???. 2:00 hours.

I'm not sure how much time had passed since I had fell. I reached into my pocket to see if I had my phone, but it was gone. In fact, all of my mountain climbing gear seemed to have disappeared.

"Ugh...where am I?" I thought to myself, trying to sit up. I felt my head and body for any sort of bruises, but somehow, I felt okay. However, the golden flowers laying beneath me didn't seem to feel the same way. I felt grateful for those being there, though; they broke my fall.

I stood up and began to dust myself off. When I looked at what I was still wearing, my normal clothes seemed to stay intact - a blue sweatshirt with red stripes crossing the center - except there was a big red heart in the center of the shirt. I wasn't necessarily sure how it got there, but it wasn't doing anything bad to me, so I didn't mind.

I slowly began to walk down the dimly lit hallway, towards a big, pink door. Around the halfway point was a patch of grass. Oddly enough, more light was shining on that patch of grass compared to anywhere else. It filled me with determination.

"One day, rain may fall through that hole, which will eventually make new plants grow and flourish-" My thoughts were cut off by a flower that popped up out of the ground. It made me jump.

"Howdy!" It spoke. "I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"

I was speechless. "Wh-what? How did you-?" I started, but couldn't finish anything out of sheer bewilderment.

"Hey, don't have a heart attack, buddy! You aren't nearly old enough yet for that," Flowey responded, almost too friendly. "Although...I don't recognize your face. You must be new to the underground, huh?"

I nodded. "I was trying to climb the mountain to help my father. Apparently there's a healing vine in the summit, but..."

"Did something knock you down?" Flowey asked. "Like a gust of wind?"

I was surprised that they knew so easily. "Yeah, exactly that! did you know that?" I proceeded to ask.

Flowey shrugged. "Trust me, I've seen many humans fall down here. It's usually because of the same thing, like a random force, or wind. Now, back to what I was saying before: You're new to the Underground, right?"

I nodded again.

"Okay, then. Allow me to show you how things go on down here!" they chirped. All of a sudden, the scenery flashed and I saw a menu screen! It contained labels such as LV, HP, and other things.

"Have you seen the heart in the center of your body?" Flowey asked. I nodded in response.

"Good," they replied. "That heart is your SOUL. It's the culmination of your being; it is what helps you FIGHT, ACT, and other actions.

"HP, of course, stands for health points. Since you have just arrived, you don't have a lot of HP. However, that can be increased when you increase your LV. LV means LOVE, if you are curious. Now, would you like some love?" Flowey explained.

I wasn't really sure how to answer this question. I'm not sure if it was a joke, or a trap, or something. However, since I just met this flower, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.

"Sure, some love would be nice," I responded, somewhat hesitantly. Flowey, on the other hand, seemed excited for the opportunity.

"Great! So...down here, LOVE is shared through white...friendliness pellets!" they explained. "I'll give you some so that way you can be loved too, okay?"

Five pellets spawned around Flowey. "I'm going to send them towards you, okay? Make sure to collect as many as you can!" 

As the pellets flew toward me, I reached out my hand to try and catch one. However, as soon as I did, something...terrible happened.

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