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Han Jisung walked the streets of the small town of Springfield, Vermont, USA. Red Sun was on break for a year to focus on solo activities and of course, to relax.

Coincidentally, his best friend in another group was also on break. So the two decided to rest in the green mountain state of America. Mainly because their friend grew up there.

Were they by themself? No, they have their friend to show them around. Minho was also in the town but decided to go around both Vermont and New Hemisphere to landmarks and beautiful landscapes.


The latter walked at a faster pace to reach his friend who stood on the bridge. "What's up V?"

They copied the other's posture, leaning on the railing with their wrists over the flowing water.
"I wanted to show you this!" He pointed at the water. "Still the black river." He moved to English, knowing the other understood a lot. "At night it's illuminated with LED lights. It's quite a beautiful sight. Especially when it's more full!" He pulled out his phone. "Supposed to rain around dinner time. Maybe I'll take you out." Victor, his full name, hit Jisung's arm. "Let's go visit the high school. We could walk or take my car."

"Car please." Jisung said. They faced their friend, keeping one arm on the railing. "I saw a food truck not that far. Can we get food?"

Victor nodded, walking towards main street, Jisung not far behind. "My friend said it's good food. She said to try the pho and pad thai." The two turned left.

"Sounds good." They grabbed Victor's hand and skipped the rest of the way to the food truck.

Jisung and Victor sat down at one of the tables set up near the river. Jisung had ordered a pork and veggie pho. Victor had ordered crab rangoons. Nothing big.

"Wanna," Victor swallowed his food, "head to SHS first or check out the ice cream shop by the movie theater?"

The idol shrugged. "If you want to go to the school, we can go there first." They then proceeded to stuff their face with the noodles.
Victor laughed at the other's actions. Yonho looked at him with confusion. "You're gonna make yourself gag if you continue that." He gave the other a napkin.

The idol nodded. He covered his mouth while saying, "I on bweak."

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Jisung stuck his tongue out at Victor. "You're such a little shit sometimes. You know that?"

Jisung nodded, swallowing the noodles. "Changbin calls me that all the time!" They smiled proudly. "We can take these on the go, right?"

"Yeah...." Victor stood up. "I'll go get us some covers. Stay here." He walked off.

The latter proped their head up with their hands in a flower pose. It was quite boring there. Not much to do other than view the landscape, watch a movie, eat, go to a park, swim, eat. It would probably be more fun if Minho was here. No no. The elder needed his own time too. Jisung let his arms collapse and head fall into the arms. He let out a sigh. Springfield is a nice town. Just not much to do other than the above.

In such a small town, that could almost be considered a village, you wouldn't expect many people to know about a certain music type in a different language, So when the idol heard a familiar song by them, you bet their heart began thumping like it was his first stage all over again.

They lifted their head to look where it was coming from. A few tens of feet away from the food truck was a small crowd. They had had to see this for theirself.

Jisung stood up as soon as Victor came back. "What's up, Han?" Victor asked, covering up the food.

The idol made some hand motions that pointed to the crowd. "I– I'm gonna go see what's happening over th– there. Bye!" They ran off without further warning.

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