Chapter 2: what did you say?

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In times when faced with uncertainty it is best to hold your tongue. Until the other smacks you with a metaphoric word. ~Unknown

We were going to get our fourth class's homework when a bunch if girls stopped and stared at Mason. Mason being oblivious didn't notice.

I rolled my eyes as I noticed girls giving me the stink eye and whispering. "Ugh, what a whore. You know she only got in trouble just so she could be alone with him." whispered a small redheaded girl.

I pressed my tongue against my teeth trying hard not to freak but I couldn't help it. I'm already in as much trouble as it is. What's a little more.

"Hold my books." I demanded as I stacked my books on top of Masons. I grabbed Rebecca's shirt near the neck and yanked her to me. "What was that Rebecca? I couldn't hear you over Masons cuteness." I joked.

"Mind telling me?" I gritted my teeth. "I-I said y-you g-got in trouble j-just so you could spend t-time with him a-alone..." I smiled a sinister smile. "And I think I heard you say something about me being a, a whore?" I said noticing everyone was staring now.

Rebecca just stared up at me with wide eyes. I threw her up against the wall. "Didn't you!" I yelled "Jazzy! Jazzy! Calm down!" Mason grabbed my should but I shook him off. "Rebecca!" I shouted.

"Yes yes I did!" She had tears down her face. "Well." I set her down and looked around to see her boyfriend walking into the same hall. I smirked. "I wasn't the one that slept with three other guys when her boyfriend went away for the weekend with his family." I whispered in her ear.

Her eyes grew wide. "Keep that in mind. If I hear anyone say anything to a teacher or the principal I'm holding you accountable. Got that?" I pushed her up against the wall one last time and grabbed my books from Mason and went off to the last class.

"I'm so sorry... She's just mad cause she got a month of detention." I heard Mason apologize. He caught up with me. "What's your problem?" He questioned, I smirked. "Rebecca's my problem. I finally caught her right under my thumb and there's no escape." Mason raised a brow. "Why Rebecca?" He asked.

"My past with her is a tricky one. Something I'd rather not say out loud." I walked into science and waited for Mrs. Landers to give me my assignment. Once I got it I stuffed it into my science book and went on my way.

Mason had already picked out a seat for him and I sat on the far end of the long table. I opened up my English book and started with my homework. Every so often I would peer up at Mason.

Around the 7th time he was looking at me too. "What?" I asked leaning back in my chair. "Why do you keep looking at me?" He chuckled. "cause! I don't get why all those girls went all gaga over you." "What are you talking about?" "Please! They were practically drooling!" He leaned back and crossed his arms with a smirk.

"So you notice things like that?" He asked "Well ya, I mean it's--" I squinted my eyes at him and leaned closer to the table. Are you implying that I'm jealous?" Mason laughed "I wasn't implying it at all, but you just told me." He began working on his algebra.

"Please! I could care less about how girls look at you! Hey in fact date them, no even better date my best friend for all I care." I began writing down my science terms.

"Whose your best friend?" He asked not looking up from his Algebra. "Rose. Rose Juniper." I stated writing down another science term. "Wait! Rose Juniper is your best friend?" He asked. "Ya, you heard about her?" I asked with a smirk. "Ya, I'm in the same chemistry class as her. She's so sweet and funny." he blushed.

I tried to hold back a laugh. "I could hook you two up. I'll give her a call but fair warning she's sick so she won't be back at school til Wednesday." he nodded "Thanks Jazzy." I nodded back "Now finish up your science so we can go to lunch." I raised a brow.

"It's been that long?" I looked up at the clock to see it was almost lunch time. "Wow, how did four hours go by without me noticing?" I ask myself. I writing down the last few science terms and shut my book.

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