Just author note before the story actually start (this might be edit alot)

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Hello everyone!! I just want to mention thing before the story start like the character and thing... you can skip this if you want to... it not needed just explain this...

This is the first time I even made a story before so sorry I'm it bad or the story all over the place... also sorry about my grammar, I never be good at reading!! Just making this out of boredom...

Now to the setting, This is taking place in a hotel (obviously) it a old hotel made YEARS ago but was abandoned for unknown reason and know whoever goes it the hotel never came back.... It in the middle of the forest far away from any town...

(Note: any of this characters  get a redesign randomly or I just randomly edit something about them...)
All the monster have a more human like form and can change what it human form look like but mainly stick with one form
Also all the monster are technically ageless

Our main character is Nakusha: Age is 25. A detective who just got there job.... They have Brown short hair, purple eyes, normal wear more random clothes she get put together... She used any pronoun (but mainly she/her). She always seem to be a weird child she was young having interesting they was "un-normal" to it family eyes... always being interesting is ghost and away be draw to paranormal stuff... Sightly taller then a normal woman hight.

Seek: age ??? (Act/look like it around early adult) Short black hair with a little bit white in it... Missing one eye and the eye he do have is a dark shade of red. Have black goo as blood and the black goo keep dripping out of his mouth and nose nonstop. Pronoun are he/it. Normally wear a blindfold with one eye in the middle of it... have more of a light dark skin... normally wear a short sleeve black suit... with a white long sleeve button up shirt under it and a red tie... The third tallest out of them all (note: reason seek more detail cause I have draw seek as a human before)

Hide: age ??? (Around the same age at seek) have long pitch black hair. Her eyes are red. Have similar skin color to seek but half her body is cover by this pitch black power that won't come off. Pronoun are she/her. Wear a black/red long sleeve dress... with black glove and red heals... Same hight as Nakusha.

Rush: age:??? (look like he could be around late 30) short gray hair with darker gray at the end... his eyes just pitch black... skin is this grayish brown and just gray at the end of his arm and leg... pronoun are he/they/it... his clothes are just a dark simple clothes. As tall as a normal adult male.

Ambush:  age: ??? (Look around earlier 30 or late 20) long white hair that turn green at the end.. eyes was pitch black..skin just this unnatural plain skin... pronouns- any... wear this oversized shirt that is mainly white but still have some randoms colors on it, rip jean, and black fingerless gloves. Also he have a lot of this green glowstick or anything that just glow green. As tall as a normal adult male.

Eyes: ages ??? (definitely in their teens) wavy dark purple hairs that barely go pass his shoulder, eyes keep it hair in a ponytail. It have a lot of eyes on it body it mainly purple eyes but some on the eye are different color tho. Clothes are just a light our jacket, black shirt, gray short, purple scarf. Pronoun- he/they/it/eye. This monster is mute and normal stay in it monster form. It know sign language but it main write down what he want to say cause the other monster don't know sign language well... The second shortest

Timothy: age ???? (He probably at his early teen) have messes dark brown hair... he have a light blue eyes but need to wear glass. Have fangs and can poison someone... have these spider legs coming from his back. Pronoun are he/they/spider. Wear fancy clothes to try to look more like seek... The shortest out of them all

Halt: age ??? (Look like she could be around 30) long black hair with blue streaks. Have this glow light blue eye. They have this gray skin (with a hint of blue in it) pronoun- she/they she where this night security guard uniform but wear this long dark blue cape over it. The tallest monster out of all the other

Screech: age ??? (Look around to be early teen) wavy/messes black hair that going to her shoulder. Her eye are just white. Pronoun- she/they/it. Wear this long black dress that slightly to big for them, the sleeve are long and very loose at the end of it. She also where this black boots and gloves. She more shorter the most of the monter but not as short like Timothy and eye.

Figure: age ??? (Look around late 30) Long pink hair that in a low ponytail. His eyes are this grayish red but normal wear sunglasses to prevent something getting in his eye.  Have sharp pointy teeth and he have sharp nails. Pronoun are he/him. Wear more fancy clothes that slightly rip. The second tallest monster

Jack: age: ???? (At least a adult) short white messes hair like it haven't be brushed and god who know how long. His eye are black and white. He unnatural pale and almost look dead with the shadow alway covering half his body. Pronoun- he/him. Wear a black jacket and a grey shirt under it. He also wear this dark gray pant.

Glitch: ȃ̵ͅg̷̫͝e̶̙͗ ̸̻̊?̶̯͘?̷̨̉?̸̩̾ ̵̯̈́(̷̥͊Ļ̴̓o̶̘͝o̵̢͒k̶̗͝ ̸̟̍a̶̝͋r̴̮͐o̵̳͑u̸̟͗n̸͕̏d̴͖̔ ̴̥̍¿̴̯͘?̶͉̿¿̷̙̎)̵̹̓ ̵̥͛j̷̘͝u̵̟̅s̵̲͘t̵̢̀ ̸̲̇l̷̞̆o̷͓̅o̵̥̍k̴̺̇ ̷͇͠l̴̛̰į̷̂k̶̭̏e̸͓̐ ̸̣̊h̸̨̛é̷̦ ̷̥͊i̷̖͊s̶̙͝ ̴̣̉ȉ̴̭n̷̞̿ ̵̖̋ť̶̤ḣ̴̡e̸̺͝ ̵̱̕a̶̖͝c̸̤͂t̸̡͋ŭ̶̘a̸͎̿l̴̢͠ ̶̨́g̶̞͌ä̷̧́m̸͖̀é̴̻ - wait who are we talking about again?

Guiding light: age: ???? (Around mid 20) light blue hair that soft. Have very pale blue eyes. His skin is is this light blue. Pronoun- he/her/them/light/guide. Wear this light blue hood thing that cover half her face. The shirt under it is the more darker shade of blue, and this grayest blue pant. Light body glow and also the one whole keep changing his form the most

(I think that all the main monsters)


Jeff: age: ???? (Around his 20 or 30) can't see his appearance cause he is in the shadow and and only see his white glowing eyes. Pronoun: he/him

Curious light: age: ???? (Somewhere between 9 and 13) have long blonde hair that mostly down other then some short pigtails on both sides of her head. Where the long sleeves dark with a short weird cape thing (similar to gliding light) in white gloves. Pronoun: she/they/light

Dupe: age ???? (Around 15) non of the entities know what dupe human form look like cause he alway stay in his room.

Even of the room monsters other then curious light is unknown... they normally stay in the monsters form tho and all thereof the is violent.

Something wrong here// door auWhere stories live. Discover now