The Unusual Pen

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"Ah! What a wonderful day!" Ice-cube exclaimed walking around. Bracelety had important things to do with his team so that just meant more free time for Ice-cube. "WOAH!" Ice-cube screamed while tripping over something. "What the hell was that..?" He looked over to see a pen on the ground. What was that doing in the middle of the floor? Ice-cube looked around his surroundings. It seemed like no one was looked for a pen. Not like it was important. He walked to the pen hesitantly. "Oh well, Finders Keepers." He said while picking up the pen and walking away.

"Hey Icey!" Book screamed out.
Walk quicker!
"You okay?" Book asked. "Yep! I found a pen on the ground!" Ice-cube answered. "A pen? Why would you need a pen?" Lollipop asked pushing away Taco's face from hers. "It's pretty useless to me unless your like Teardrop who writes story about random things." She smirked and winked at Teardrop. Ding! Lollipop received a text from someone. It was just Teardrop cursing her out which made her glare at TD. "Well it's special to me! And it's glittery!" Ice-cube pointed out. "Oooo! Look G8Y! It's beautiful!" Saw pointed at the pen. "Yea, but, you're more beautiful Saw." Gaty flirted with Saw. Disgusting... "Anyways i'm gonna look at my pen now!" Ice-cube gagged out running and slamming the door before hearing someone else flirting with their lover. Ice-cube thought it was disgusting. Why would you flirt with someone in front of your friend? Or friends.

"It's so beautiful..." Ice-cube said gleaming at the glitter part. While looking at it Ice-cube whispers saying "Flip it." "Shake it." and other things. "Ow.... Ow..! OW!" Everything turned black. The only thing visible was the pen and some red creepy eyes. "W-Who.. are you..?" Ice-cube shivered and backed up. "Hey Ice cube!" Some person said. He sounded... "Oh yea I know I sound gay but you'll get used to it." Ice-cube was still scared at the eyes but then looked at the pen. "Oh yea turn it upside down." The voice said. He did just that. Then the voice turned from that gay voice to a actual demon. "That pen is a death pen." The voice giggled. "When the glitter runs out you will see your doom." Thump. Thump. Thump. Ice-cube could only hear his heartbeat. What has he got himself into?

Pant. Pant. Pant.  Ice-cube woke up to see Bracelety hugging him tight. Was it just a dream? The pen was still there. Standing still. The glitter was slowly reaching the bottom. Would he actually die? He grabbed the remote on his dresser and threw it at the pen. Ice-cube could feel his heart breaking as he looked at Bracelety. What will Bracelety do with out his soulmate? Thoughts ran threw his head. "Ice-cube..?" Bracelety called for his lover. "Go to sleep. And stop fucking breaking my window to get in! Just tell me to let you in." Ice-cube snapped.

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