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TW: Mentioning of SA and Rape

She came to the house a few minutes late. She glared at Taco who was staring at her "body". "The fuck is you looking at?" Bell snapped. "You look... I don't know... messy..?" Taco blurted out. "What does that mean?" "Nothing! Actually continue what you were doing..." "Whatever." Bell flew to Ice-Cube's room and sat on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ice-Cube turned to Bell. "Sitting?" Bell said confused. "Two things Jingle-Bell. 1. What happened to you when you got here? Or atleast before. You look like someone..." "Sexual Assaulted me?" Bell interrupted. "My significant other and me had things going on." Bell clarified. "Did he... rape... you? You are badly wounded."

"I consented to it dumbass!" Bell growled. "Plus I didn't come here to talk about my relationship status. Right?" Bell asked. "Yes ma'am!" Ice-Cube ran to his draw in fear. He grabbed the pen and showed that it was halfway. He dropped the pen on the ground and shivered. Bell grabbed the pen and tried shaking it up. In seconds, POW!

Some thing struck at her hard to the point she was bleeding. "Oh..! Ew..." Ice-Cube looked at the blood in disgust. "That looks like shit." Ice-Cube teased. "Shut up..." Bell looked at the dark brown blood. "Get a bandage or something!" Bell demanded. Ice-Cube looked high and low for the medial stuff. "I found it!" Ice-Cube grabbed the med-kit and threw it at her face. "Really?" Bell sighed. She struggled opening the box (while glaring at Ice-Cube from time to time) and grabbed the bandages.

"Well?" "What?" Ice-Cube gulped. "PUT THE BANDAGE ON ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'What?'!" He walked towards her and put the bandages on. She turned her attention to his bed and sat on it. "Ow!" Bell jumped off the bed and stared at the blanket moving. "Ghost come out!" Ice-Cube shook. "Ghost? I'm not a ghost silly!" Bracelety said pushing the blanket off of himself.

Bracelety turned his attention to the pen standing straight up. It was a very pretty pen to Bracelety. He thought he should give it to Cloudy since he loves pretty stuff, plus he took some of Cloudy's "Gollection" before.

Bell noticed Bracelety attention was at the pen. She wasn't very surprised he admired the pen. The pen's glitter dropping to the bottom slowly made Bell feel weak. She didn't believe fully that the pen would kill him. Book busted in ruining the quiet room asking if they were hungry.

"Kinda..." Ice-Cube mumbled.

The room was filled with silence.

Ice-Cube heard ticking noises from every angle.

He didn't like that.

That sound made him puke.

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