Chapter 10: Names

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Brianna Pov

Ever since I found that Baby Arsement was a girl, me and Preston couldn't stop thinking about baby names. It was driving both of us insane. Naming a baby was one of the most impossible things that we don't want to mess up. We don't want her to be stuck with the name we don't want and we didn't want her to be bullied once she started school.

So far all the names we had, none off them seems right for our baby girl. Various members of our office crew gave us name suggestions as well. But none of those we like. 
Preston this is seriously starting to bother me! I said After a filming session. Based by the look on his face I could really tell he had been thinking about it the entire time. And hadn't come up with anything. We were starting to run out of options.

Preston our baby girl needs a name!

I know she does Bri! I just... don't want to mess it up. This is the first thing we're deciding as New Parents again. Preston had his head on his arms. That when the idea came to me.



We both have lists right? He nodded waiting for me to explain the idea that had.

Thus is going to seem really out there but, I can tell we're both going to be crazy. Tweet our lists to our fans. And whichever names seems to have the most reply that will be her name. Crazy right? Preston let it sink in for a second. Naming our baby was a huge decision,but if Preston would trust anyone in the world right now besides me. It will be his fans who had been supporting him this entire duration of his career.

It's crazy alright... but it  might work. I'm willing to give it a shot. I smiled, sending Preston my list so he could add them to his. I watched him as he took a screenshot and open Twitter.

He attached the picture to a tweet and gave it a caption. @brianna arsement and I need you guys! Help us name baby Arsement! and simply pressed send. Thanks to 3ime zone we knew that there's gonna be a lot of responses right a way.  I leaned over Preston's shoulder as two of us scrolled through all the comments and replies from fans. We smiled as we both saw a name repeating over and over again, and it's was the one we were hopefully they would pick.

I- I think I know what's her names gonna be Bri! I grinned at him


Adelaide Rose, it's cool... My little Adelaide Rose!

It's so cute! I love it! I squealed happily that we finally had a name for our daughter.

Preston set his phone down and turned his face to me a huge smile breaks hi face. I think our girl has a name! Adelaide Rose! He kissed me Hardee than ever followed by a kiss for our little rose. Picking up his phone again,  Preston looked to Twitter one more time. You guys Bri and I had spoke and we decided... baby Arsement is Adelaide Rose Arsement!

Adelaide means nobility/morally good

Rose means flower

538 words!

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