Chapter 12: Meet Lil' Rose

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Preston Pov.

Bri was sleeping in our room, I really didn't mind it because she's still exhausted from giving birth to our baby girl Rose. I really love bri, she has done alot for me even I wronged her before.

She still loved me, bared and took care of our children.

The boys were taking their afternoon nap while I was at my home office, taking care of some paperwork while Rose was also asleep. I was viewing a important paper when Rose started crying. I quickly got up and went to her nursery.

I walked up to the crib. What's wrong princess? I said whilst picking her up as she whimpered. I carried her and rocking her gently back and forth. Soon enough she stopped. Oh baby,  did you just want my attention? I asked her cooing as she yawned cutesy. You need to be a little quiet Rose, your brothers are taking a nap and mommy too she needs to rest.

She fell asleep, as just about I put her back in her crib, I hear the door open, and bri walked in. Preston? She said as she walked towards me. Babem I thought you were asleep. I said, Rose still asleep in my arms. I was but I heard Rose crying, is she okay? She asked me. Yeah, she just woken up. I said. She nods. She leans into my arms looking down to Rose who was in my arms.

She's gonna grow up with a lot of admirers on her tail. She said while chuckling softly. Well my daughter will not have  a boyfriend until she's like thirty, you attract many men's when we were still dating, and it's a pain in the as$ for me to deal with them. I said and she giggled.

I remember when we were just on our first date at the Cafe a waiter, who trys to hook up with you he seems to like you very much. I said and she giggled.

Hopefully the boys won't be like you when they grow up and have girlfriends and be too possessive. She said I chuckled. Well i have the rights to be possessive, you're my baby and the other guys should f#ck off. I replied.

Shh! Don't swear in front of Rose. She said I chuckled before looking back too Rose. Okay now I should put her back on the crib and  rest back again. I said wrapping Rose in a swaddle. She rested her head on my chest. Come to bed with me. She said and I smiled. Of course

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