The End

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A/N: This will be the last one of these redacted scenes, unless I decide to write the one for the bonus chapter/s at some point. Hope you've enjoyed these little additions to The Missing Years. Love, Jo xx


It's been a big year already, with Elle getting a promotion and us having taken a long vacation overseas. It's become tradition now that we go away to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Our first two anniversaries we just took a week off and went somewhere where we could forget the rest of the world existed. This year though, we made the decision to take a full month off and go see some of the world instead.

Back when we were planning this adventure, we were talking about going to Europe and Elle told me she'd like to show me around some of the UK, too. I'd jumped at the idea, since her year abroad had been pretty much a complete blank spot in my understanding of Elle's life. Seeing her talk animatedly as we strolled around the university where she'd studied, walking past her old flat, having a drink in her favorite pub, made me feel a little bit like I'd been there with her, too.

We spend a few days in Edinburgh and catch up with Elle's friends there. It's funny, I've seen so many photos of them online and heard all the stories, it's like I already know them. We're sitting in the living room of Caitlin's place, her husband Sean off making tea. When Callum and his wife Emily arrived a few minutes ago, the place turned into baby central. They have twin boys, nearly a year old. Caitlin and Sean have two girls, the oldest is nearly two and the youngest, Isla, just a few months old.

Elle is sitting next to Caitlin on the sofa and they've been chatting away when Cait asks if she'd like to hold Isla. Elle nods and the swaddled bundle is handed carefully across. I see the expression on Elle's face change as she stares down at the sleeping baby. Apparently I'm not the only one, as Cal leans over to me and says quietly, "That's you done for, pal. I've seen that look before."

I grin at him. "Yeah, I think you could be right. But that's fine with me."

I'm not surprised when the topic comes up a couple of weeks later while we're laying in bed in our hotel room in Paris.

"So, I was thinking..." Elle begins.

"Mmm, that's always dangerous."

Elle elbows me in the ribs. "Shut up. I was thinking that maybe when we get home, I could, uh, think about not taking my pill anymore."

I grin at her. "Are you saying you want to move from practicing to trying, Shelly?"

Elle screws up her face. "Ugh! I hate that expression! Makes it sound awful. More like, I'd like to stop trying to prevent it. Getting pregnant, I mean."

"Yes, I was fairly clear about what you meant, Elle."

"But only if you want too, as well."

I smirk. "Are you asking me if I want to make babies with you?"

Elle's eyes go wide and she holds up her index finger. "Baby! Singular! Just one for now."

I decide I to tease her a little. "Are you sure you wouldn't like twin boys like Callum and Emily have?"

Elle grins back at me. "And end up with two of you? No way."

"Better than ending up with two Lees," I joke.

Elle swats me. "But seriously, I want to know if you're ready, too?"

"I'm not sure you can ever be ready for a baby, but yes, I'd like make one with you, Shell."  Leaning over, I kiss her, then smirk again when a thought pops into my head. "But just so we get it right when we get home, I think we should keep practicing now."

The Missing Years - Redacted ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now