Town Clean Up For The First Day Of School

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Y/N is sitting in an office writing down in a note book. He hears a knock on his door.

Y/N: "Come in!" The door opens for Tamamo to walk in.

Tamamo: "Your lovable, beautiful, smart wife has a message for her dear husband."

Y/N: "What is it?" Y/N places his pencil down to close his notebook

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Y/N: "What is it?" Y/N places his pencil down to close his notebook.

Tamamo: "We have a guest! Sirzechs-sama! Do you want me to bring him up?"

Y/N: "Sirzechs? I wonder what he wants. Bring him to my office please and thank you Tamamo."

Tamamo: "That's what a good wife does! Mikon!" After a few seconds Tamamo comes back with Sirzechs.

Tamamo: "Here he is! I'll leave you two to discuss business, I have dinner to cook. I hope Narmaya, Erza, and Asuna come back from the store soon. I still need a few ingredients." Tamamo happily skips out of the door.

Sirzechs: "She is an energetic one."

Y/N: "That's Tamamo for you. Why the visit from one of the Four Great Satans?" Y/N is putting away the notebook in one of his desk's drawer.

Sirzechs: "I have something to ask of you. Where you writing something?"

Y/N: "It's a diary of sorts. I'm writing down my past adventures. I'm hoping my sister can read it."

(The Remembrance chapter's in canon are written like he's talking to his sister. While the chapter's you read it's like he's talking to the readers aka you guys. So in canon there's no fan service in them lol)

Sirzechs: "I see."

Y/N: "What do you wanna ask?"

Sirzechs: "Well as you know I gave you this mansion for you and your peerage." Y/N smirks at Sirzechs knowing what he wants.

Y/N: "So a favor?"

Greed is sitting in a couch with his feet on the table in the lounge room. His arms are hanging off the arms of the chair in one of his hands he has a drink. Eula stands in the doorway with her arms folded.

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