Christmas Day 🎁

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(Insert Alarm)

"No, five more minutes..." I roll over and cuddle into Atem.

"My Love, you know we have to get up."

"They're not expecting us till mid morning."

"Yes, I know. We do need to get up."

"Nooo," I hold on to him. "Please my Pharaoh just five more minutes."

"Five more minutes," he pulls me in closer. "Merry Christmas my Queen." He kisses the top of my head.

"'Merry Christmas my Pharaoh ~" I kiss him. "When did you say we had to leave ~"

"Not this morning my Love."

"We have time ~"

"No, my Queen we can't."

"Fine..." I cuddle back into him.

"You don't want your presents?"

"I have my present," I kiss him. "I've been 5,000 years for it ~"

"Haha, I'm your present now?"

"Yep ~"

He hugs me, "sorry you had to wait so long."

"It's okay, you were worth the wait."

"I'm sorry, that's five minutes."

"Another five please ~"

"My Love we do need to get up."

"Okay..." I'll wait till he gets up.

"My Love?"

"Yes, Pharaoh? ~"

"We need to get up."

"I know, but I'm waiting for you to get up."


"You don't want to get up either ~ So five more minutes ~"

"Five more minutes then."

Yes! I cuddle into him more. Why can't we stay like this?

"That's five minutes."

I sigh, "I know. I'm still waiting for you to get up." He gets up, "meanie..."

He holds his hand out for me, I take it. "I know you want to stay in bed. We have all school holidays."

"I know, I know." I stretch, "Yugi and Grandpa are okay with Chione staying with them for a few days?"

"Yes, they're okay."

"That's good, she can stay here. I don't want her to be alone. While we're at Mum and Dad's."

"I know you worry about her. They're happy to watch over her. I think Grandpa mostly. Yugi going to spend some time at Tea's."

"I guess that's a good thing. The shop will be closed for a few days won't it."

"Yes, let's go have breakfast."



We have breakfast and decided we'll open our presents at Yugi's. We packed up the present and Chione's stuff.

"The road is quiet today," I look out the window.

"It is Christmas."

"I thought we would see more people out."

"How did you spend your Christmas?"

"It depends on the family I had at the time. Sometimes Christmas was nice and some not so much."

[ON HOLD] My Queen - Yami/Atem x Reader (Yu-Gi-Oh!)Where stories live. Discover now