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04, wha-bam
chapter four.

"Man, I really can't see a thing." Leorio shuddered, a few feet behind me. Walking into the forest at night really gave you the creeps. Knowing that anything could appear and ambush the four of you, made you a bit uneasy. Keeping your guard up, you warily examined your surroundings.

A few lopsided trees growing a bit diagonally from its original spot. Some slanted downwards because of how tall it was. The trees seemed pretty old, given that it was a deep brown oak tree with a girth of approximately 260 cm at most. 'Around 130 years?' you tapped your chin in deep thought, continuing to follow Gon and Kurapika while channeling out any noise from them.

Walking a bit further up, you quickened your pace a bit. "Beware of Magical Beasts," you read aloud for the others to hear. "What is this, like the 6th sign?" your eyes were plastered onto a beaten up sign which had shown up various of times along the way to a married couple's cabin.

"Oh! I think I see it!" Kurapika exclaimed. "Really?" jogging towards him, you saw a ginormous tree. Straining your eyes to focus, you had realized what Kurapika was talking about.

"Hm," you hummed. "Let's see what they have in store for us, yeah?" You gestured your friends to walk over to the small cabin.

04, wha-bam
chapter four.

Well, all you could've said was that they definitely did have something in store for you.

Shards of glass were scattered around the wooden planked floors which made a quiet 'thump! thump!' every-time you took a few steps away from your original spot. Broken wooden tables, wooden chairs, and clawed up walls were decorated all around the room. The owners weren't an exception either.

The husband (you assumed he was the husband) was laying down onto the floor, face facing the floor. A few drops of blood were littered all around the room to which you assumed was the man's.

Everyone gasped, all except you. "What the hell.." you blurted out. Not at the most-likely dead man that laid lifelessly onto the cold, wooden floor— but you were astonished by what you saw.

A yellow beast of some sort. Back hunched over like a caveman, extremely long mud-colored arms and legs which helped him stand at around 6'5; not even standing up all the way.

Slowly, the beast had slowly turned his head around to look at who the new presences were. It's eye's gleamed a vibrant red, malicious intent was laced all over his face. It cackled. The disgusting thing cackled like something was funny.

It looked like a dog but also like a rat with its long snout and sharp teeth—sharp enough to feast on a vulture with just one bite.

Something was off. Since he was crouching, which allowed everyone to see what he had in his hands. Between the legs that were slightly bent down, were another pair of legs, dangling. Probably from his tight grasp on the person's neck.

"A magical beast!" Gon shouted, quickly getting into a defensive position with his fishing rod. Soon after, the rest got into their fighting stance preparing for any attacks coming their way.

"It seems like it's a Kiriko. Kirikos can take human form! They're extremely intelligent-" Kurapika ranted as I cut him off.

"No time for explaining. You see the person's legs dangling down? And the attempted gasps for air and the familiar sound of grunts and struggling. The person it has in it's arms seems short. The person's ankle is quite thin and their foot seems rather small. He has a woman in his arms." You observed. You and Kurapika exchanged looks and both nodded at each-other.

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