Chapter Six: Connection

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Georgia could scarcely believe that a few minutes ago she had been on her way home. Now she was sitting in the passenger seat of Hayden's car still unable to truly comprehend how she'd gotten there. Her mind was ringing with questions. She didn't remember actually jumping in. Everything felt like a blur after he'd mentioned his own dream. Now she sat there stunned as he floored his car around the suburban streets of Grayston. Despite all her confusion, Georgia couldn't help but admire the assured manner in which he handled the powerful car. Even at the high speeds that the car was careening around the twisty bends in the road, Georgia felt safe. Her mind was still racing though.

She watched him from the corner of her eye, partly engrossed by his muscular frame which was even more impressive now that she sat right next to him, and partly fearful that he hadn't said a word since she got in. While she was a nervous wreck, Hayden appeared much calmer, and even a little happier now that she was with him. The corners of his lips seemed to be curved into a permanent smirk since she got in. The tension was all on her end and Georgia began to think clearly for the first time. This helped her find her voice at last.

"I don't understand, how did you know I had a dream about you last night?" she suddenly blurted out.

If Hayden was surprised, his expression betrayed nothing. He kept quiet but gave her a short glance to let her know he'd heard her before turning his focus back to the road again. She felt a little annoyed now.

"Well? Aren't you going to answer me?"

"I promise, we'll speak once we're there," he said coolly, though there was a slight gruffness in his voice.

That was the first time that Georgia suddenly realized she had no idea where they were going. Paying more attention to the outside now, a moment of dread passed through her when she noticed that they were already nearing the outskirts of town.

"Wait, Hang on, where the hell are you taking me?", she demanded.

"We're almost there."

"That's not a proper answer!"

Hayden sighed lightly and it felt like he was trying to stay calm. Georgia began wondering if she might be in danger. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed her phone and was relieved to see it still had bars.

"I just didn't want to talk in a crowded place with too many people," he said, eyeing her phone from the corner of his eye.

"Oh my goodness. Was Benny right? Are you a serial killer? Should I be worried?"

Hayden chuckled and it took Georgia by surprise. For a moment she wondered why it sounded so good and then she realized it was the first time she'd seen him express any emotion other than anger or irritation. The fact that he even knew how to laugh and was capable of finding something funny was a relief.

"Benny. That's your male friend, right?"

Georgia found it deeply satisfying that his tone sounded a little jealous as he emphasized the word 'male'.

"Yes, Benny's my male friend. What's it to you?", she again demanded.

After being unable to keep herself from obsessing over Hayden's looks and the whole mystery behind him, Georgia expected to feel a little more happy or excited that they were actually alone and talking. She couldn't figure out why she was being so irritable and annoyed with him instead. He seemed a little saddened at her last question, like he was trying to work out what the best thing to say was.

Eventually, he settled on, "'s just...I'm not a serial killer, that's all."

Georgia watched as they traveled up an interstate, took an exit she was unfamiliar with, and eventually ended up on a windy, desolate road on the outskirts of town. Her rational mind told her that she should really be worried now. She had only met him the day before and everything since indicated that he might actually be dangerous, or at least have a volatile temper. Yet, for some unknown reason, Georgia could not bring herself to feel afraid in his presence anymore. It was weird. If anything, now that she'd calmed down, she actually felt safer with him than she did in general, but she wasn't about to let him know that.

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