Sightings of Strange Floating Cats Cause Alarm

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"Hey Michael, have you seen any weird things happening in the neighborhood lately?" Alex asked.

"No, what do you mean?" Michael replied.

"Well, I was walking my dog earlier and I could have sworn I saw a cat floating in the air," Alex said.

"A floating cat? That's impossible," Michael said.

"I know, right? But it was definitely there." Alex continued.

"That's so strange. I haven't seen anything like that," Michael said.

"Yeah, it was really bizarre. I don't know what to make of it," Alex said.

"Well, if you see it again, let me know. I'm curious to find out what's going on," Michael said.

"Definitely. Thanks for the chat, Michael," Alex said.

"Woof," the dog barked.

"Oh, and by the way, my dog is getting hungry. Do you happen to have any dog treats on hand?" Alex asked.

"Actually, I have a whole bag of them. Here you go," Michael replied, handing over the bag of treats.

"Thanks, Michael. You're a lifesaver," Alex said.

"Woof woof!" the dog barked happily.

The Mystery of the Floating Cats and DogsWhere stories live. Discover now