Ch 1: Busted

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It was Thursday afternoon and Valentines was right around the corner. "I wonder what Shadow would want this year" last year I got him a gun, and the year before that i saved up money and got him a motorcycle since I had crashed his other one, but what should I get him this year? I thought to my self as I walked around town on my own. "Hmmm.... Maybe I could get him...silver bullets maybe... Nah" I was talking about the present to give him when out of the corner of my eye I saw something that almost made me fall to the ground in tears "W-Who is that with Shadow" I looked over across the road to see Shadow leading a girl by the hand to a small cafe, seeing them hold hands made me furious. Not to mention she was gorgeous!! But what was he doing with her!?! He's MY boyfriend!! My heart was crushed, I did my best to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes. Just look away I thought to myself. When I was about to look away I saw the women grab Shadows hands in hers and Shadow smile at her "*gasp*" That's it. Tears came flowing out of my eyes as I ran to my house not looking back. When I got to my house I told my mom not to bother me and ran up stairs and locked my self into my room. I flopped down on my bed, buried my face in pillow and cried. Why... Why was he with another girl. It's almost Valentines... and our 5 year anniversary of being a couple, why was he going out to cafés with other girls? How long had he been with her? Questions came flying into my mind as buried my face deeper into my pillow.

Shadow The Hedgehog: Happy ValentinesWhere stories live. Discover now