Chapter 2.

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Diana Farrow POV

I just got back in time, panting I walked inside.

'Miss Farrow, your in time what a suprise!' the geography teacher said.

That stupid bitch, she always picked me if she wanted abreaction. I sat down next to Robyn.

'Where have you been?' she whispered.

'Somewhere and nowhere,' I replied vague. She growled.

'Tell me. Did you see the mystery guy from this morning?' she asked curious.

'Actually, I did.'

'WHAT!?' She shouted so loud that three rooms away she could still hear her.

'Miss Key, silence please. Or would you like to share your little conversation?'

'Yes. I would like to share it,' the teacher looked shocked, no one had ever replied.

'This morning Diana and I saw this mystery guy under in a tree. Diana had a free period and went to the park and saw him again. And if you didn't had disturbed me, I would now know who he was.' she said boldly.

I laughed soft. Typically Robyn, always rude towards teachers.

'Oh, ehm. Children go to page 87 of your workbook.'

'Ro, that wasn't necessary.' I whispered.

'Yes, it was. Now, who was the damn guy?'

'Damon. Damon Salvatore.' her mouth fell open.

'Thé Damon Salvatore? The guy who seduced probably over a million woman?'

'I wouldn't know. The only thing I can tell is that he was a little bit weird, but good looking.'



'Your very stupid or blind.'

'What is that for?'

'If I was there I would have jumped up and kissed him.' I raised my eyebrows.

'Alright. Weirdo.' I laughed. We called each other things all the time. Weirdo, bitch, Silly girl and even much worse thing. Just for fun.

'Alright, kids! Time for the big test.' I was shocked. Big test?

'Did we have a big test!?' I said in panic.

'Uh, yes. I told you last week!'

'Can you give me the answers?'

'Of course, but for something in return.' she said with an evil eyebrow wiggle.

'Fine! What is it?'

'I'll tell you later.' I growled. The test went well. Thanks to Robyn, who had learned it very good, it got an eight.

Once we were in the cafeteria I asked again: 'What do I have to do for you?'

'Well, let me see. Uhm. O! I know! I know!' she jumped up and down like a little kid.

'What is it?'

'I want you to score a date for yourself with Damon Salvatore!' I alsmost choked in my coke.

'WHAT!?' she chuckled.

'You heard me.'

'Fine, I'll try. Alright?' She nodded her head in full enthousiasm. I sighed. WHY!?

Stefan Salvatore POV

I sat with Elena on the cough. Waitng in suspense for more news from Damon. Caroline already told us there actually was a new Doppelgänger. Now we - or Damon - had to find out who she was, where she lived, how we were going to protect her and how we were gonna get inside her house.

We heard the front door slam and Damon walked into the living room.

'I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I know her name and the bad news is that she's different.'

'Different?' Elena asked.

'Yes. She defenitely looks like you, but there are some flaws... She is half a hand taller, her eyes are a tint different and she a little bit stronger build.'

'What's her name?' Elena asked curious.

'Diana Farrow.'

'But how can it be that she's different?' I asked.

'And how can it that there is anyway a new Doppelgänger, Elena died without kids remember?' Elena frowned. Damon was right.

'I guess we have two options,' I said, 'one: Elena had a child which we didn't know about of or two: Isobel had also a child with another man, what would explain the flaws.'

'One is absolutely not true.' Elena said furious.

'Than it's two. But which man woud ever want a child with Isobel?' I said calm.

'Well, maybe not when she was a vampire. But we all knew a man who loved her conditional.' Damon smirked.

And we said all at the same time: 'Alaric.'

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