Chapter 1.

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Diana Farrow POV

I walked with Robyn into the mathematics lesson. I saw Mary, also a friend of mine. She waved at us, I waved back. I sat down next to her and Robyn behind us.

'Why is you hair straight?' she asked fake-angry. I laughed. My hair was different every week. One week it was straight, the other curly. I switched every week. Robyn preferred it straight and Mary curly.

'Because it like it more this way this week.' I replied.

'Wear it curly.' she begged.

'No,' said Robyn, 'it's prettier this way.'

'Miss Farrow. If you and your friends don't mind, I would like to start with the lesson.' The teacher suddenly said. The three of us laughed softly but we looked at our books. When the lesson ended we walked in the way of the canteen.

'You know, I have a free period now. I think I'll go to the park,' I said.

They shrugged their shoulders.

'Alright. See you later!' they said.

I waved and walked out of the school. Once in the park I sat down under a tree. I enjoyed the sun on my face. I dreamed away, somewhere where he loved me. Where I was save in his arms. The only thing I didn't know was who he was.

'Excuse me,' a voice suddenly said.

I opened my eyes and saw the young man I saw this morning under the tree.

'Can I help you?' I asked.

'Yes. Who are you?' Alright. Weird question.

'I'm Diana, Diana Farrow. Why?'

'You just look very much like someone I know.'

I stood up and said: 'That's weird. When I saw you this morning, I also thought I knew you. But that can't be true, right?'

'Yes, you are right.' I ran a hand through my hair and looked at my watch.

'O my god, I'm gonna be late. See you later, ehm...'

'Damon, Damon Salvatore.'

'Bye, Damon!' I shouted when I ran away. He was kind of strange, but there was something about him that - and I was sure - I knew. And I was going to find out what it was.

Damon Salvatore POV

She was different. Elena and Katherine looked exactly alike. Diana was at least half a hand taller. Her eyes weren't deep brown, but milk-chocolate like. And she was stronger build, not so tiny and weak-looking like the other two. All added together she was a beautiful young woman, and she was polite. Wow, wait. What did I just say? I shaked my head. No. I was not, and I repeat NOT going to fall in love with her. Anyway my luck was not so well with Doppelgängers. So why could it be now? No, I was not going to let her get under my skin. We needed to protect her, not love her. Stefan and I both loved Elena, and look what she has become! I walked away from the tree, determind that it was not going to happen. But deep inside I knew she was already under my skin.

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