First Year

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It was time, time to board the Hogwarts Express he was so excited but also so nervous he didn't know what was going to strike him. He felt isolated seeing all the parents say goodbye to there children. The parents had happy tears while the children board the train. He wiped his eyes already feeling upset he manged to pull himself together and motion himself on the train and there it was the doors shutting, he looked around narrow halls, different carriages. As he slowly walked down he found a carriage that was empty so he walked in and sat down. Feeling the cool air on his face,  he felt free he felt alive.  A couple minutes passed there was a knock on the door, he turned his head and saw a young Ginger boy looks like the same age as him, he got up and opened the door looking at the boy who knocked. Harry was confused but wanted to be kind. 

"Hello, can I help you?" Harry said in a friendly tone looking at the boy who looks distressed. Harry did not want to say anything else. He caught him looking at his scar so he coughed. The boy looked at him and smiled slightly. "Sorry about that! I am Ron, Ron Weasley it is nice to meet you! I was just wondering if I could sit with you all the other places are full!" Harry heard squeaking he looked in Ron's arms and saw a rat. "Oh, this is Scabbers he is a little dumb but ignore that". Harry looked at the rat. "That is nice I have Hedwig which is my owl I don't know where she is though" Ron chuckled slightly "She will be somewhere do not panic she will be safe, also I didn't catch your name". Harry was confused he was the most well known wizard. "My name is Harry, Harry Potter" Ron gasps. "So you're the boy who lived?" "I guess I am" Harry had this feeling in his stomach that something bad was going to happen he kept telling himself that it was nerves but it felt more strange and scary then nerves. After a few moments of standing Ron was going to explain his family life until he fell on the ground. As soon as he fell a blond young looking boy stood behind him like a predator and Ron was the prey. Harry instantly knew he was a bad vibe. Harry helped Ron back up before looking at the boy and his friends. 

"Watch where you walk Weasley you may trip" He sniggered while Ron glared at him. "Watch yourself Malfoy or you may go cry to your father" The carriage fell quiet. The blond boy who was unaware of Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Your family is pathetic Weasley poor, weak, cowards". Harry decided to step in "excuse me but who are you? What do you want?" Ron looked at him giving him that look telling him to leave it. The boy laughed "Well as you should know my names Malfoy, Draco-" "Yeah we get it nobody cares now get lost Malfoy" Harry looked at Draco and sighed "Malfoy please do not bother us" Draco smiled "Oh yeah look who is talking filthy halfblood" Ron had enough and let scabbers go. The rat crawled on him and bit his fingers until they were bleeding. Draco threw the rat at Ron and scattered  away. "What the hell happened?" a young girls voice said they both turned around and saw a girl in a skirt her hair was curly and she had brown eyes. "You know you could get into serious trouble". Harry and Ron sat down quickly looking at each other trying not to laugh. "Excuse me?" Ron turned and looked at her "If you want to sit come in" She nodded and sat down looking at the strange boy who was sat beside Ron. "I am Hermione Granger and you are" Ron has managed to grab a chocolate frog and was stuffing his face, "Ron Weasley" he said with his mouth full. "Pleasure" She looked at him disturbed. "I am Harry, Harry Potter" Hermione gave him 2 looks one of them was shocked one was happy. "So it is true you are coming to Hogwarts with us" Harry nodded happily glad he was getting away from his abusive aunt uncle and cousin. "You will feel at home once you get there it will be amazing" She stood up and went to the door and paused "I expect we will be arriving soon so get in your robes". Then she briskly went away. Harry sighed happily he met two amazing people. He was already looking forward to this. He was ready.

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